本文关键词: 东北亚港口群 复杂网络 空间网络 演化 出处:《大连海事大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:港口作为国际贸易得以实现的重要设施、全球综合运输网络的重要节点、国际物流链上的重要环节,对城市经济、区域经济乃至国家经济的发展具有举足轻重的影响。随着经济全球化和区域化进程的推进,港口集群化发展已称为当前世界范围内港口发展的重要趋势之一,与之相对应的港口群演化问题研究也成为了学术界的关注热点。但目前对于港口群演化问题研究主要集中于时间序列下港口规模的变化,尚未有从网络视角来对港口群演化问题进行研究。为此,本文利用复杂网络理论,从网络视角,通过港口节点规模和港口间联系的变化探索港口群演化问题。 本文以东北亚港口群为例,对港口群空间网络演化进行了实证研究。首先,在综合分析了国内外有关于港口体系结构演化及复杂网络相关理论研究的基础上,对港口群空间网络的复杂性进行了分析。其次,在充分收集东北亚区域内港口相关数据的基础上,利用UCINET软件绘制了东北亚港口群空间网络图,应用复杂网络相关统计指标对港口群空间网络拓扑结构特性进行了相关分析,得出了东北亚港口群内港口间联系较为紧密,港口群空间网络处于无序性状态等特点。然后对影响对港口群空间网络演化的因素进行了初步分析,建立了在节点度吸引力和地理距离双重作用下的的东北亚港口群空间网络演化模型。应用该演化模型对东北亚港口群空间网络模拟,并与现实网络结构特性进行对比分析,得出了模型的合理性和有效性。最后,对东北亚港口群空间网络未来发展格局进行了预测分析,并基于该预测分析提出了网络视角下东北亚区域内中国港口发展对策。
[Abstract]:As an important facility for the realization of international trade, the port is an important node of the global integrated transport network and an important link in the international logistics chain, which is of great importance to the urban economy. With the development of economic globalization and regionalization, the development of port cluster has become one of the important trends of port development in the world. The corresponding studies on the evolution of port groups have also become a hot topic in academic circles. However, at present, the researches on the evolution of port groups are mainly focused on the changes of port scale in time series. There has not been a study on the evolution of port groups from the perspective of network. Therefore, this paper explores the evolution of port groups through the changes of port node size and port connections by using complex network theory and network perspective. This paper takes the port group of Northeast Asia as an example to make an empirical study on the evolution of spatial network of port group. Firstly, based on the comprehensive analysis of the related theories about the evolution of port system structure and complex network at home and abroad, The complexity of the port group space network is analyzed. Secondly, based on the sufficient collection of port data in Northeast Asia, the paper draws the port group space network map of Northeast Asia by using UCINET software. The topological structure characteristics of port group spatial network are analyzed by using the statistical index of complex network, and it is concluded that there is a close relationship between ports in Northeast Asia port group. The port group space network is in disordered state and so on. Then the factors that influence the evolution of port group space network are analyzed preliminarily. In this paper, a spatial network evolution model of northeast Asia port group is established under the dual action of nodal attraction and geographical distance. The model is used to simulate the spatial network of Northeast Asian port group, and the characteristics of the network structure are compared with that of the real network structure. The rationality and validity of the model are obtained. Finally, the future development pattern of Northeast Asian port group space network is predicted and analyzed, and the countermeasures of Chinese port development in Northeast Asia region are put forward based on the prediction analysis.
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