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发布时间:2018-02-24 00:09

  本文关键词: 航空 东海公务机 品牌战略 研究 出处:《兰州大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:公务机有“空中出租车”之喻,因有利于节约时间、提高工作效率、满足一些特殊要求而为高端商务人士、高级政要和其他的社会名流所亲睐。在欧美等发达国家,公务航空已经发展得较为成熟,其飞行量可与普通民用航空相媲美,公务机业务已形成广泛的市场体系与较为健全的运作框架。在国内,公务机业务启动已有十多年,依然还处在幼稚阶段,但随着经济与社会的迅速发展,正显示出越来越广阔的市场前景。与尚幼的公务机业务状况相应的是,国内公务航空的研究亦处在初始时期,公务机业务的品牌管理和品牌战略的实践与研究更是乏善可陈、乏人问津。 东海公务机有限公司是一家新成立的以公务航空为经营业务的公司,作为以房地产起家的深圳市东海集团的下属公司,其公务机消费具有良好的市场环境和雄厚的经济基础。然而欲谋求公司的长远发展以及长久生存,东海公务机有限公司须抓住当前竞争不烈、经济环境优良的有利局面开展品牌战略。品牌战略的核心是确立自身的独特性,然后围绕这一独特性进行品牌定位并展开各项工作。而在产品的同质性愈来愈严重的情况之下,提炼并形成品牌的文化价值则是当今品牌战略发展的新趋势。 在利用企业品牌管理理论、品牌战略理论、SWOT分析模型等理论及工具对东海公务机有限公司的品牌现状、特点及市场环境进行综合分析之后,可知东海公务机有限公司的独特性在于其与地产企业的紧密关联。循此独特性,进一步确立东海公务机有限公司的品牌战略定位与发展思路。具体而言,东海公务机有限公司的品牌战略定位就是,确定以房地产商为代表的企业高层为主要的目标市场,关注和开发新生代富有者这一潜在的目标市场;确立以包租为主、托管为辅的产品形式,同时突出“礼尚往来”的消费特征。品牌战略的发展思路则是在单一品牌战略的思路下,对相关的文化要素进行整合,结合中国国情营造东海公务机有限公司“时尚、尊贵、高效、安全”的品牌文化。 公务机在中国尚属新兴市场,而东海公务机有限公司又是进入这一新市场的新成员,在这种双重的“新”背景下开展品牌战略,风险巨大。公司须利用机遇,大胆而谨慎,通过抓关键环节对存在的内部和外部风险进行积极地控制,方能有效规避风险。品牌战略是一项庞大的系统工程,要素众多,关系复杂,要建好这一工程须抓关键问题,并注重各要素的系统整合。惟其如此,东海公务机有限公司才有望建立起能既谋长远发展又谋长久生存的品牌。
[Abstract]:Business jet has the analogy of "aerial taxi", because it is favorable to save time, improve work efficiency and meet some special requirements, it is favored by high-end business people, senior political figures and other social celebrities. In developed countries such as Europe and the United States, Official aviation has developed more mature, and its flight volume is comparable to that of ordinary civil aviation. Business jet business has formed an extensive market system and a relatively sound operational framework. In China, business jet business has been started for more than a decade. It is still in its infancy, but with the rapid development of economy and society, it is showing more and more broad market prospects. Business jet business brand management and brand strategy practice and research is lacking, lack of interest. Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. is a newly established company operating on public aviation, as a subsidiary of the Shenzhen Donghai Group, which started from real estate. Its business jet consumption has a good market environment and a strong economic base. However, in order to seek the long-term development and long-term survival of the company, the East China Sea Executive Airport Co., Ltd. must seize the current competition is not fierce. The core of the brand strategy is to establish its own uniqueness, and then to position the brand and carry out all kinds of work around this uniqueness. While the homogeneity of the product becomes more and more serious, the core of the brand strategy is to establish its own uniqueness and carry out all kinds of work. To refine and form the cultural value of brand is the new trend of brand strategy development. After making use of the theories and tools of enterprise brand management theory, brand strategy theory and SWOT analysis model to analyze the brand status, characteristics and market environment of Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. We know that the uniqueness of Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. lies in its close relationship with real estate enterprises. Based on this uniqueness, we further establish the brand strategic positioning and development thinking of Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. The brand strategic positioning of Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. is to determine the main target market for the high level of enterprises represented by real estate developers, to pay attention to and develop the potential target market of the new generation of wealthy people, and to establish a chartering as the main target market. The product form supplemented by trusteeship, at the same time highlighting the consumption characteristics of "reciprocity". The development idea of brand strategy is to integrate the relevant cultural elements under the thinking of single brand strategy. Build the brand culture of Donghai Business aircraft Co., Ltd. "fashionable, honorable, efficient and safe" in combination with China's national conditions. Business jet is still an emerging market in China, and Donghai Business Aviation Co., Ltd. is a new member to enter this new market. Under this dual "new" background, brand strategy is very risky. The company must take advantage of the opportunity and be bold and cautious. Only by actively controlling the internal and external risks, can we effectively avoid the risks. Brand strategy is a huge systematic project with many elements and complex relations. To build this project, we must pay attention to the key problems. And pay attention to the system integration of various elements. Only in this way, the East China Sea Business aircraft Co., Ltd. is expected to establish a brand that can seek both long-term development and long-term survival.


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