本文选题:企业集团 切入点:内部资本市场 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The emergence of enterprise groups makes the internal capital market emerge as the times require. The internal capital market is an important advantage of group enterprises relative to non-group enterprises, and can replace the imperfect external capital market to a certain extent. It is an important channel for the financing of member companies. The important role of the internal capital market is becoming more and more prominent. The efficiency of the internal capital market and its influencing factors have gradually become the focus of research. At present, there are disputes about the efficiency of the internal capital market between "effective theory" and "invalid theory" in academic circles. Therefore, the study on the efficiency of internal capital market and its influencing factors have a certain guiding effect on the practice of the internal capital market of enterprise groups. Using the method of combining theoretical analysis with case study, this paper firstly defines the definition of internal capital market based on the review of the existing literature, and probes into the mainstream view of the efficiency of internal capital market. This paper summarizes the operation mode and efficiency measurement method of internal capital market, summarizes the influencing factors of efficiency and summarizes the relevant theoretical basis. Secondly, select the typical case of internal capital market-HNA Group, This paper deeply analyzes its internal capital market operation mode and its economic consequences, and analyzes the efficiency of the internal capital market of HNA Group by using enterprise value analysis and two different cash-flow sensitive methods. According to the domestic and foreign research results and the actual situation of HNA Group, this paper studies the influencing factors of its internal capital market efficiency. Finally, this paper draws the following conclusion: 1) the internal capital market of HNA Group is effective and on the rise. Compared with the average capital allocation efficiency of developed countries, there is still much room for improvement in the external capital market and the implementation of the strategy. Some problems in corporate governance and financial company operation have led to the relatively low efficiency of the internal capital market of HNA Group. In view of the conclusions of the study, the following reasonable suggestions are put forward as follows: 1) improve the external supervision system. To improve the capital market environment and improve the efficiency of the internal capital market. 3) optimize the corporate governance structure and improve the corporate governance level. 4) give full play to the platform role of financial companies and continuously improve the internal capital market allocation.
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