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发布时间:2018-03-09 06:43

  本文选题:安东港 切入点:鸭绿江 出处:《辽宁大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自1840年之后开始的中国早期近代化的空间进程的主要特点是首先发端于沿海港口城市,然后再沿着主要的交通线向内陆拓展,沿海港口城市长期以来又通过港口和航运连接着内地和世界,港口的兴盛在沿海城市、沿海地区乃至全国的近代化进程中占有极为重要的地位。 安东港是东北物资集散和水路转运的重要港口之一,处于鸭绿江入海口,面向黄海,隔江与朝鲜相望,具有沿江、沿边、沿海的优越地理位置。但由于清王朝长期的封禁政策,安东港一直只是一个简陋的自然港,作为鸭绿江中上游农产品的物资集散地。伴随着安东开埠和安东港的开港,安东港开始兴起并逐步走向兴盛,并且在1920年超过营口港成为东北仅次于大连港的第二贸易大港。安东港的兴盛带动了安东工商业、金融业的发展,推动了安东的城市近代化进程,鸭绿江流域兴起了一批新兴的工业城镇,促进了东北地区特别是鸭绿江流域的开发,进一步开放了东北地区的市场,使东北和世界的联系越来越紧密。目前对安东港这一课题的研究十分有限,不仅没有专门的论著,学术论文也凤毛麟角。当今作为东北亚重要出海通道的丹东港,对东北东部地区的社会经济发展发挥着重要作用,因此对近代安东港的兴盛及其原因、影响进行分析评价对当今丹东港的建设具有重大意义。 本文正文有以下三部分组成,其主要内容如下: 第一部分:安东港的兴起。清末,安东港开港。安东港的贸易额显著增长。为了对安东港进行协调管理,地方政府成立了安东海关等管理及协调机构。一些企事业机构成立,在鸭绿江开展航运贸易。日本为了把东北变成其独占市场,利用安东港对东北进行商品输出和资源掠夺,对安东港的港湾码头投资建设。 第二部分:安东港的兴盛及其原因。安东港在前一时期发展的基础上,继续保持快速增长的势头,贸易额激增,并于1920年超过营口港在东北各港口中名列第二。港口贸易的发展,促进了安东三大支柱工业的发展,由传统手工作坊向近代机器工业转变,相应的安东的商业也向近代迈进。工商业的发展,促使安东出现了自己的地方性货币—镇平银。随着安东商业贸易和近代工商业的发展,近代金融机构在安东相继建立。安东港贸易的繁盛促使安东的航运业也进入一个新阶段,进出港轮船日渐增多,开拓了更多的国际国内航线。 安东港能在短时间内走向繁盛,一是因为安东港优越的自然地理位置,二是鸭绿江航运业及商业贸易的发展为其奠定了基础。第三是鸭绿江流域三大物产出口带动了安东港的迅速发展。第四是日本为扩大自己在东北的经济利益,推行“日满鲜三线货物”联运政策。 第三部分:安东港的兴盛的影响。安东港的兴盛促进了安东城市的近代化进程,安东的工商业结构更新,市政建设逐步完备,市民的思想观念发生巨大转变。安东港的开港打开了鸭绿江流域的市场,使东北地区的市场进一步开放。日本通过控制安奉铁路和安东港,逐步控制了鸭绿江流域货物运输,日本在东北物流的垄断地位更加巩固。 综上所述,安东港在短期内得到迅速发展,在对外贸易方面取得巨大成就,对安东的城市近代化和东北市场开放起了重要的作用。但在半殖民地半封建的中国社会里,安东港不可能走上独立发展的道路,,在兴盛的过程中付出沉重的代价。
[Abstract]:The main features of the China since the beginning of 1840, after the early modernization process is the first space originated in the coastal port city, and then along the main traffic line to expand inland, coastal port city for a long time and through the ports and shipping is connected with the mainland and the world, the prosperity of the port in the coastal city, coastal areas and the country's modernization the process plays an extremely important role.
Donggang is one of the most important ports distributed and waterway transport northeast materials, in the mouth of the Yalu River, for the Yellow Sea, with the North Korea across the river, along with the geographic location, border, coastal. But because of the Qing Dynasty banned long-term policy, Donggang has just a simple natural port, as the Yalu River the upstream agricultural products distributing center. With the opening of the Donggang and Anton open port, Donggang began to rise and gradually rise, and in 1920 over the Yingkou port became the northeast after Dalian Port's second trading port. The port led to the prosperity of Anton Anton business, the development of financial industry, promote the modern city "the process of the the Yalu River basin, the rise of a number of new industrial towns, promote the Northeast especially the Yalu River basin development, the further opening of the Northeast market, the northeast and the world More closely linked. The current research on Donggang this topic is very limited, not only no monograph, academic papers are very rare today. As the Northeast Asia important sea route to the port of Dandong, plays an important role in the eastern region of the Northeast Economic and social development, so the modern security Donggang prosperity and its causes, influence analysis is of great significance to the construction of evaluation of today's Dan Donggang.
The text of this article consists of the following three parts: the main contents are as follows:
The first part: the rise of Donggang. In the late Qing Dynasty, an opening of the port of Donggang. An Donggang trade volume increased significantly. In order to coordinate the management of safety in Donggang, the local government established Anton customs management and coordination agency. The establishment of some enterprises and institutions, in the Yalu River in shipping trade. Japan to become the northeast corner the market Donggang, with an output of goods and resources exploitation of the northeast, harbor wharf constructioninvestment on an Donggang.
The second part: the reason of its prosperity. The development of an Donggang Donggang in the first period of the basis, continue to maintain the momentum of rapid growth, trade surged, and in 1920 over Yingkou port ranked second in the Northeast ports. The development of port trade, promote the development of Anton three pillar industry, change from the traditional manual workshop to modern machine industry, the corresponding Anton business also to modern forward. The development of industry and commerce, prompting Anton appeared their own local currency - ping silver trade and Anton. Along with the development of modern industry and commerce, modern financial institutions have been established in Donggang. Anton trade flourished antonovich shipping the industry has entered a new stage, increasing the ship out of Hong Kong, open up more international and domestic routes.
An Donggang in a short period of time to prosperous, because an Donggang superior geographical position, the two is the development of the Yalu River shipping industry and commerce is the foundation for the the Yalu River river basin is third. Three products export led to the rapid development of Donggang. The fourth is to expand their Japanese economic interests in Northeast China and the implementation of the "three full days of fresh line of goods transport policy.
The third part: the influence of Donggang xingshengan. Donggang xingshengan promoted the modernization of the industrial and commercial city Anton, update the structure of Anton, municipal construction gradually complete, people's ideas change. Donggang opened an open port of the Yalu River basin in the Northeast market, further open the market in Japan. Through the control of railway and esteeming an Donggang, the Yalu River river basin gradually control the transport of goods, the Japanese in the Northeast logistics monopoly position.
In summary, an Donggang in a short period of rapid development, has made great achievements in the field of foreign trade, to Anton city modernization and the Northeast market opening plays an important role. But in the semi colonial and semi feudal China society, an Donggang could not walk the road of independent development, pay a heavy price in prosperity in the process.



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