本文选题:企业文化 切入点:企业文化测评 出处:《大连海事大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:企业文化理论作为现代企业管理的重要理论之一,传入中国30多年来,受到了广泛关注。特别是随着全球化竞争的越来越激烈,企业文化作为企业意识形态和行为方式的总和,对企业发展的重要作用日渐凸显,已成为中外企业提升自身管理水平和整体素养、打造综合竞争实力的关键因素。当前,港口企业间区域性同质竞争形势日趋严峻,天津港石油化工码头有限公司(TPPTC)为应对新环境、新任务的挑战,在努力提升码头等级、优化工艺流程、完善装卸服务的同时,充分意识到加强企业文化建设对企业发展的重要意义。经过多年的努力,公司在企业文化建设方面进行了大量的研究和实践,积累了宝贵经验,取得了一定效果,但同时在企业文化管理和执行上还存在着一些薄弱环节,造成公司当前的企业文化体系在广大员工中的认同度较为有限,这在一定程度上限制了企业文化作用的发挥。 本文结合企业文化相关理论和公司发展现状,对石化码头公司现有企业文化体系极其建设情况进行了详细阐述和探索研究,借助OCAI(组织文化评价量表),以问卷调查的方式对该公司现有企业文化进行了测评,并对比员工期望中的企业文化模式进行对比分析问题,总结现有企业文化建设中存在的问题,如缺乏长期规划、制度执行不全面、对员工的宣贯不到位等。根据测评结果及其分析,围绕企业文化建设的各个层次,提出发展对策和改进措施,为石化码头公司进行企业文化的改进和创新、建立起与公司工作实际和发展趋势相适应的企业文化体系提供参考。
[Abstract]:Corporate culture theory, as one of the important theories of modern enterprise management, has received extensive attention since it was introduced into China for more than 30 years. Especially, with the increasing competition of globalization, corporate culture is the sum total of corporate ideology and behavior. It has become a key factor for Chinese and foreign enterprises to improve their management level and overall accomplishment and to create comprehensive competitive strength. At present, the situation of regional homogeneous competition among port enterprises is becoming more and more severe. In order to meet the challenge of the new environment and new task, Tianjin Port Petrochemical Wharf Co., Ltd. (TPPTCC) works hard to upgrade the level of the terminal, optimize the process flow, and improve the handling service at the same time, Fully aware of the importance of strengthening the construction of corporate culture to the development of enterprises. After years of efforts, the company has carried out a great deal of research and practice in the construction of enterprise culture, accumulated valuable experience and achieved certain results, But at the same time, there are still some weak links in the management and implementation of corporate culture, resulting in the company's current corporate culture system in the majority of employees more limited degree of identity, which to a certain extent limits the role of corporate culture. Based on the theory of enterprise culture and the development of the company, this paper expounds and explores the present enterprise culture system and its construction of Petrochemical Wharf Company in detail. With the help of OCAI (organizational culture evaluation scale), this paper evaluates the existing corporate culture of the company by means of questionnaire, compares the enterprise culture model expected by employees, and summarizes the existing problems in the construction of enterprise culture. If there is a lack of long-term planning, the implementation of the system is not comprehensive, the publicity of the staff is not in place, etc. According to the evaluation results and their analysis, according to the various levels of enterprise culture construction, put forward the development countermeasures and improvement measures, It provides a reference for petrochemical wharf company to improve and innovate the enterprise culture and to set up the enterprise culture system which is suitable for the company's work practice and development trend.
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