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发布时间:2018-03-21 15:22

  本文选题:出租车行业 切入点:政府管制 出处:《华东政法大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的提高,出租车行业在城市客运交通系统中所占的位置越来越重要,成为城市的一道“流动风景线”,也是城市文明的象征。出租车不仅成为城市交通不可或缺的组成部分,还为人们的出行提供了新的选择,也提供了极大的便捷。与此同时,出租车行业在迅速发展的过程中,逐渐暴露出一些矛盾和问题,特别是近几年来,全国各地的罢运事件和群体上访事件的增多,揭开了出租车行业困局面纱的一角,,反应出政府管制中的诸多不完善的地方,引起社会各界的广泛关注,也让公众对管制政策产生了质疑。目前,政府对出租车行业的管制不仅没有增加社会的福利,反而使出租车企业取得了垄断地位,获取暴利,出租车司机的利益却得不到保障,也导致了政府的寻租行为。同时,“黑车”的屡禁不止,也给出租车行业带来不稳定的因素。 本文运用实证分析、文本分析、理论分析的方法,以政府管制的基本理论为出发点,阐述政府管制的内涵和特征,介绍政府管制的公共利益理论、管制俘获理论及激励性管制理论,证明对出租车行业管制有其必要性。综合分析现有的出租车经营模式,从出租车行业政府的管制体制、管制内容及管制的发展中发现政府在出租车行业管制中存在着诸多问题,如出租车企业垄断经营、司机利益受损、运价结构不合理、权力寻租、“黑车”泛滥等。有效解决这些问题需认识到出租车经营权的设置不应基于特别许可,而需向一般许可回归。为完善出租车行业的政府管制,首先需要完善法律体系,尽快清理现有的出租车管理法律法规,制定新的出租车管理办法,依法规范各地出租车的经营管理行为。其次,要选择符合当地实际的经营模式,允许个体经营者进入市场,从制度上给予个体经营者同等的市场准入机会。再次,要合理控制出租车的投放数量,放松数量管制,并多元发展管制手段,向服务型政府过渡。最后,要完善政府对出租车行业的监管机制,增强执法的透明度,充分考虑各方利益,为准入制度的制定和调整提供参考。在完善出租车行业管制的道路上,仍然会出现各种各样的难题,政府的工作任重而道远。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the improvement of people's living standard, taxi industry plays an increasingly important role in the urban passenger transport system. As a "mobile landscape" and a symbol of urban civilization, taxis not only become an integral part of urban transportation, but also provide a new choice and great convenience for people to travel. In the course of the rapid development of the taxi industry, some contradictions and problems have been gradually exposed. In particular, in recent years, the increase in strikes and group petitions across the country has opened a corner of the difficult situation of the taxi industry. Reflecting the many imperfections in government regulation, it has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life in the society, and has also made the public question about the regulatory policy. At present, the government's regulation of the taxi industry has not only failed to increase social welfare, On the contrary, taxi enterprises have gained monopoly status and profiteering, but the interests of taxi drivers can not be protected, which also leads to the rent-seeking behavior of the government. At the same time, the repeated prohibition of "black cars" has also brought instability factors to the taxi industry. This paper uses the methods of empirical analysis, text analysis and theoretical analysis, taking the basic theory of government regulation as the starting point, expounds the connotation and characteristics of government regulation, and introduces the theory of public interest of government regulation. The theory of control and capture and the theory of incentive regulation prove that it is necessary to regulate the taxi industry. In the development of the regulation content and regulation, it is found that the government has many problems in the taxi industry regulation, such as the monopolization of taxi enterprises, the loss of drivers' interests, and the unreasonable structure of fares. To solve these problems effectively, we should realize that the establishment of taxi management right should not be based on special permission, but should be returned to the general license. In order to perfect the government regulation of taxi industry, we must first improve the legal system. Clean up the existing taxi management laws and regulations as soon as possible, formulate new taxi management methods, and standardize the operation and management behavior of local taxis according to law. Secondly, we should choose a business model that conforms to the actual local conditions and allow self-employed operators to enter the market. Thirdly, the number of taxis should be controlled reasonably, the quantity control should be relaxed, and the control measures should be developed in order to make a transition to a service-oriented government. It is necessary to improve the government's regulatory mechanism for the taxi industry, enhance the transparency of law enforcement, fully consider the interests of all parties, and provide a reference for the formulation and adjustment of the admission system. There will still be problems, and the government has a long way to go.


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