本文选题:上海港 切入点:综合竞争力 出处:《上海海洋大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid economic growth, the size and number of ports in China have been greatly increased, the port cargo throughput has increased significantly, and the development and operation of the large and small Yangshan ports, as well as the construction of the Shanghai International Shipping Center, Ports have received extensive attention. The competition between ports is becoming more and more intense, and the scope and depth of the competition are also expanding. Most of the goods in international trade in China are completed by sea transportation. It can be seen that the port plays an important role in the economic development of our country and is an important window for our country to participate in the international economic cycle. Therefore, the competitiveness of a port will not only have a great impact on the regional competitiveness of the region where it is located. And it will have a certain degree of influence on the overall competitiveness of the country. As an important hub port in the coastal areas of our country, Shanghai Port plays an important role in the development of Shanghai and even the national economy. Therefore, the development of Shanghai Port is studied. Competition and cooperation, finding out the main factors affecting port competitiveness, and putting forward concrete measures to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the port are important contents of the development strategy of Shanghai Port. It is also an important subject for the sustainable development of national economy. This paper takes the comprehensive competitiveness evaluation of Shanghai Port as the goal, carries on the longitudinal and horizontal scientific system analysis to the Shanghai Port Comprehensive Competitiveness, and carries on the reasonable appraisal on the basis of the analysis. The specific methods are as follows: firstly, based on the existing theory, combining with the actual situation of the port, an index system to evaluate the competitiveness of the port is established as the theoretical basis of the article. The overall competitiveness of Shanghai Port is analyzed vertically and horizontally. Secondly, using factor analysis method and SPSS 19, the cross-section data of 2012 are used to analyze the overall competitiveness of Shanghai Port and its competitors. The dynamic factor analysis method is introduced for the first time, and the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the panel data of each port from 2007 to 2012 are carried out by using STATA12.0 software, and the longitudinal dynamic changes of Shanghai Port are obtained. According to the evaluation results, this paper analyzes the competitive advantages and disadvantages of Shanghai Port, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of Shanghai Port. The research results show that the ranking of Shanghai Port is at the upstream level in the horizontal comparison of the comprehensive competitiveness. Above its competitors, the overall strength is relatively strong. In light of the specific situation of the Shanghai Port, this paper believes that, on the one hand, the economic strength of the hinterland of the Shanghai Port has driven the demand for the Shanghai Port. On the other hand, the Shanghai Municipal Government attaches great importance to the Shanghai Port and has increased its investment and construction efforts, which have greatly promoted the development of the Shanghai Port. Thus, the comprehensive competitiveness of the Shanghai Port has been improved. The overall vertical comparison shows an upward trend, but there are fluctuations, its development potential is obviously insufficient, and the development space is almost exhausted. The main performance is that the waterway water depth and other conditions can not meet the development trend of large-scale ships. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion: to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of Shanghai Port can be considered from the angle of cooperative competition, and at the same time, the development of Shanghai Port should be taken into account. Sharing resources with other ports, giving full play to their respective advantages and staggered development, thus providing a decision-making reference for the subsequent development of Shanghai Port.
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