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发布时间:2018-03-30 19:13

  本文选题:机场安检人员 切入点:敬业度 出处:《武汉理工大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国民航运输产业的发展,运输班次、人数急剧增加,如何发挥“人”的能动作用不仅关系到工作绩效的高低,更对保证航空安全有着重要影响。杰克·韦尔奇曾经说过“任何想依靠竞争取得胜利的公司都必须设法使每个员工敬业”。研究表明,员工敬业度对工作绩效产生直接影响。机场安检工作作为民航安全关卡,安检人员人为差错的产生将对民航运输安全造成直接威胁。由于内容琐碎复杂、工作时间不固定等因素的影响,机场安检人员存在抱怨较多、人才流失严重、员工敬业度不高等问题。本文受到国家自然科学基金“空中交通安全风险耦合机理及预警决策支持系统研究”项目资助,以机场安检人员为研究对象,研究其敬业度与人为差错之间的关系,具有重要的理论和实践意义。 本文在相关文献研究和访谈的基础上,总结分析了敬业度及人为差错的内涵及影响因素,提出了安检人员敬业度与人为差错关系的概念模型,探讨了满意度、敬业度、人为差错三者的相互关系。以实证调查数据为依据,运用SPSS统计分析软件对所提出的研究假设进行实证检验。运用MATLAB软件对安检人员敬业度与人为差错的之间的影响关系进行仿真模拟,并提出提升安检人员敬业度以减少人为差错的对策,用于指导管理实践。由此,本文得出了以下结论: (1)不同的人口变量因素对满意度、敬业度、人为差错的影响存在差异,其中性别、年龄、职位、部门的差异对满意度、敬业度、人为差错的影响较为显著。 (2)安检人员工作满意度与敬业度有着显著的正相关关系。表明工作满意度是影响敬业度的重要因素,说明工作满意度越高,敬业度就会越高。 (3)安检人员工作满意度与人为差错有着显著的负相关关系。说明满意度对人为差错产生负向影响,且这种影响通过两种方式产生。一种是直接对人为差错产生影响,另一种是通过敬业度间接影响人为差错。 (4)安检人员敬业度与人为差错呈现显著的负相关关系。说明安检人员对工作的认可度越高,人为差错出现的可能性将明显减少。
[Abstract]:With the development of civil aviation transportation industry in our country, the number of transportation shifts and the number of people increase rapidly. How to play the active role of "people" is not only related to the level of job performance. Jack Welch once said that "any company that wants to win by competition must find a way to keep its employees engaged." Employee engagement has a direct impact on job performance. Airport security inspection as a civil aviation security checkpoint, security personnel human error will cause a direct threat to civil aviation transport safety. Due to factors such as irregular working hours, airport security personnel complain more, and the brain drain is serious. This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on the Coupling Mechanism of Air Traffic Safety risk and early warning decision support system". It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the relationship between engagement and human error. On the basis of relevant literature research and interviews, this paper summarizes and analyzes the connotation and influencing factors of engagement and human error, puts forward a conceptual model of the relationship between engagement and human error, and probes into the degree of satisfaction and engagement. Based on empirical survey data, The SPSS statistical analysis software is used to test the research hypotheses, and the MATLAB software is used to simulate the relationship between the degree of engagement of security inspectors and human error. The paper also puts forward the countermeasures of improving the engagement of security inspectors to reduce human error, which can be used to guide the management practice. From this, the following conclusions are drawn:. 1) there are differences in the influence of different demographic variables on satisfaction, engagement and human error, among which gender, age, position, and department differences have significant effects on satisfaction, engagement and human error. 2) there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and engagement, which indicates that job satisfaction is an important factor affecting engagement, and the higher the job satisfaction is, the higher the engagement will be. 3) there is a significant negative correlation between job satisfaction and human error, which indicates that satisfaction has a negative effect on human error, and this effect is produced in two ways. The other is to indirectly influence human error through engagement. 4) there is a significant negative correlation between personnel engagement and human error, which indicates that the higher the recognition of work is, the less the possibility of human error will be.


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