本文选题:“营改增” + 交通运输企业 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The value added tax of the business tax (hereinafter referred to as "the increase in the camp") means that the business tax is levied in accordance with the regulations and the value added tax is expropriated in accordance with the corresponding regulations, and the business tax is no longer expropriated. One of the links is that the content of the "camp to increase" is in essence the collection of value-added tax in the links of goods and labor services, and abandons the collection of business tax and VAT tax pattern according to the category of industry, at the same time, it is more conducive to the deepening of the development of related industries, to avoid duplication of Taxation, and more conducive to the establishment of a coordinated tax environment with economic transformation and development. The transportation industry is the forward of the pilot reform. The quality of the reform is not only the test of the rationality and orientation of the pilot project, but also the strategic deployment and the smooth implementation of the "camp to increase" in the whole industry. The difference in the influence of different transportation enterprises, such as air transportation, highway transportation and water transportation, is selected as the sample of the 2010-2014 year listed transportation enterprises, with the tax burden rate (transfer tax negative), the policy variable, the fixed asset growth rate, the natural logarithm of the company size and the main business cost, and the use of the natural logarithm of the company size and the main business cost. The difference model shows that the tax burden of the whole transportation enterprise is reduced by the "camp to increase", and the difference of tax burden of the railway transportation industry, the water transportation industry, the air transportation industry and the highway transportation industry is analyzed, and the growth rate of fixed assets, the company's own cost and the difference of the deductible Revenue tax will be obtained. The impact on its own tax burden, after the different transport enterprises in the "camp to increase" still exist in the scope of the expropriation is not wide enough, the tax rate diversification, small scale taxpayers and other issues and put forward some suggestions.
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