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发布时间:2018-04-26 13:48

  本文选题:民用机场 + 项目集成管理 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国加入WTO和经济的快速发展,现有民用机场与航空运输业务量快速增长不相适应的矛盾逐渐突出,此外我国的民用机场地域分布不平衡且总体分布密度小,因此为了满足经济社会对民航运输业的需求,我国必须建设更多的现代化机场。但是我国民航业由于管理体制的问题,其机场建设工程项目的管理水平较低,管理模式单一、管理手段落后、管理体制弊病多。民用机场建设工程是一种投资数额大、技术要求高、管理难度大和风险极高的特殊大型工程,如何对这类项目进行科学有效的管理,是我国民用机场建设中目前迫切需要解决的重要课题。 本文依据集成管理的基本理论,从建设管理程序、规划设计的影响期限、对区域经济的影响、投资、技术含量、数字化程度、验收程序复杂、建设工期和政府影响等方面全面总结了民用机场建设工程的项目特点,从工程质量要求、工程进度控制、工程协调复杂性、工程投资管理、工程信息管理和项目风险管理等方面总结了民用机场建设项目的管理特点,分析了我国民用机场建设项目管理现状,找出了项目管理专业化水平、工作效率、项目投资效益、监理工程师的作用、监督机制等方面存在的问题,并分析了民用机场建设项目传统管理模式的弊端。在此基础上,提出了建立新型管理模式、坚持科学的项目管理组织机构建立原则和实行科学的机场工程项目人力资源管理等对策。结合大庆萨尔图机场建设工程项目集成管理状况的分析,从机场项目业主方的角度出发,总结了该机场建设项目集成管理的经验,期望其对我国民用机场工程项目管理水平和其它行业的项目管理水平的提高,能够提供方法的指导。
[Abstract]:With China's entry into WTO and the rapid development of economy, the contradiction between the existing civil airports and the rapid growth of air transport business is becoming more and more prominent. In addition, the regional distribution of civil airports in China is unbalanced and the overall distribution density is small. Therefore, in order to meet the economic and social demand for civil aviation transportation, China must build more modern airports. However, because of the problem of management system, the management level of airport construction project is low, the management mode is single, the management method is backward, and the management system has many disadvantages. The civil airport construction project is a kind of special large scale project with large investment amount, high technical requirement, high management difficulty and high risk. How to manage this kind of project scientifically and effectively? Civil airport construction in China is an urgent need to solve the important issue. According to the basic theory of integrated management, from the construction management program, the influence period of planning and design, the influence to the regional economy, investment, technology content, digitization degree, the acceptance procedure is complicated. In the aspects of construction period and government influence, the characteristics of civil airport construction project are summarized, including project quality requirements, project schedule control, project coordination complexity, project investment management, etc. In the aspects of engineering information management and project risk management, this paper summarizes the characteristics of civil airport construction project management, analyzes the present situation of civil airport construction project management in China, and finds out the project management specialization level, work efficiency and project investment benefit. The function and supervision mechanism of supervision engineer are analyzed, and the disadvantages of traditional management mode of civil airport construction project are analyzed. On this basis, the author puts forward some countermeasures, such as establishing a new management mode, adhering to the principles of establishing scientific project management organization and carrying out scientific human resource management of airport project. Based on the analysis of the integrated management situation of the airport construction project in Saltu airport, this paper sums up the experience of integrated management of the airport construction project from the view of the owner of the airport project. It is expected that the project management level of civil airport engineering in China and the project management level of other industries will be improved, which can provide guidance for the methods.


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