本文选题:铁路物资 + PEST ; 参考:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the emergence of the global financial crisis, China began to start the economic stimulus plan, vigorously stimulate domestic demand, the government has made a very large investment in the railway industry, the rapid development of China's railway construction. What follows is the rapid growth of railway material demand, which greatly promotes the rapid development of railway material enterprises, brings a new round of competition climax to the railway material market, and brings new changes to the market competition pattern. Competition among railway material enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. In the competitive market environment, the research of enterprise development strategy is an urgent task for China Iron Co., Ltd. In order to guide the objective analysis of the target market, the company must have the concept of strategic management, and draw up a reasonable development strategy based on it, and carry out strict management and control over the implementation of the development strategy. In order to improve China Iron Co., Ltd., in the fierce competition in the market place, and continue to grow. Based on the theory of strategic management and guided by PEST-SWOT, this paper makes a deep analysis of the macro environment and industry environment of China Iron Co., Ltd. Combining the views of management masters at home and abroad with the actual situation of China Iron and Steel sy Company, the author tries to explore the development strategy which not only accords with the famous theoretical ideas, but also accords with the actual situation of China Iron and Steel sy Company. The research results are applied to the practical work of China Iron Co., Ltd., to help enterprises such as China Iron Sy Company better participate in market competition and grow and develop faster. In the market environment which is full of competition and fickle, it is urgent for China Iron and Steel sy Company to stand out from it and take a place in the market.
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