本文选题:客运专线 + 收益管理 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国旅客出行需求总量不断增加,客运需求结构也发生了变化。航空运输、公路运输等其他方式的市场份额不断加大,人民出行可选择的运输方式越来越多,铁路运输形势非常严峻。为了争取更多的市场份额,铁路运输采取不断提速、新建线路、增加发车密度等方式来应对市场竞争,而在营销策略上未采取大的变动和进步,因此当前营销模式中所存在的问题亟待解决。 文章首先介绍了收益管理的基本理论,接着探讨了收益管理的系统构成和应用特征。通过总结收益管理在一些典型行业的应用经验,结合我国客运专线的特点,分析我国客运专线收益管理系统应具备的功能及系统构成,最后提出了我国铁路客运专线实行收益管理的具体步骤。 收益管理在航空业、酒店、出租、国外铁路的历史经验证明收益管理可以帮助企业取得更大的收益。而票价以及存量控制是收益管理在客运专线运输业的具体实施手段,因而为了提高客运专线上座率和收益,本文尝试应用收益管理在竞争环境下对票价及座位存量进行探索性的研究。 本文的研究是在对铁路运输业应用收益管理研究现状的回顾以及基本理论阐述的基础上展开的,然后从不同角度分析了客运专线应用收益管理的适应性。本文的重点是应用收益管理理论建立了竞争环境下客运专线座位存量及票价双决策的模型。该模型可以通过对不同票价以及座位存量限额的设定有效调节市场需求与供给能力之间的匹配。文中的算例验证了决策模型不仅是可行的,而且有利于客运专线经济收益的提高。
[Abstract]:With the development of national economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the total passenger travel demand in China is increasing, and the structure of passenger transport demand has also changed. Air transportation, road transportation and other forms of market share are increasing, people travel alternative transportation more and more, railway transportation situation is very severe. In order to gain more market share, railway transportation adopts the methods of increasing speed, building new lines and increasing the number of trains to cope with the market competition, but no major changes and progress have been made in the marketing strategy. Therefore, the existing problems in the current marketing model need to be solved. This paper first introduces the basic theory of revenue management, and then discusses the system structure and application characteristics of revenue management. By summing up the application experience of revenue management in some typical industries and combining the characteristics of passenger dedicated lines in China, this paper analyzes the functions and system structure of the revenue management system of passenger dedicated lines in China. Finally, the paper puts forward the concrete steps of the revenue management of the railway passenger dedicated line in our country. The historical experience of revenue management in aviation, hotel, rental and foreign railways has proved that revenue management can help enterprises to achieve greater profits. The ticket price and stock control are the specific means of revenue management in the transport industry of passenger dedicated line, so in order to improve the attendance rate and income of passenger dedicated line, This paper attempts to apply revenue management in the competitive environment to explore the ticket price and seat stock. The research in this paper is based on the review of the current situation of the research on the application of revenue management in railway transportation industry and the basic theory, and then analyzes the adaptability of the revenue management of passenger dedicated lines from different angles. The emphasis of this paper is to establish the model of double decision of seat stock and ticket price of passenger dedicated line under competitive environment by applying revenue management theory. The model can effectively adjust the matching between market demand and supply capacity by setting different ticket prices and seat stock limits. The example in this paper proves that the decision model is not only feasible, but also beneficial to the increase of economic income of passenger dedicated line.
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