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发布时间:2018-05-22 19:00

  本文选题:可行性研究 + 液品泊位 ; 参考:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:港口作为水陆交通运输的枢纽,发挥着连接海陆运输,中转旅客和货物运输,集散现代物流的重要作用。潍坊港经过近几年的发展,生产、建设、经营有了长足的发展,未来将发展成为滨海开发区、潍坊市、淄博市及其他腹地各类物资中转运输服务的大型综合性、现代化、区域性港区,为临港油化工、盐化工、煤化工、临港物流和装备制造等大型重化工业服务的地方性工业港区,在滨海新城的建设发展之中发挥重要作用,进而在黄河三角洲高效生态区发展中处于领先地位。 根据《潍坊港总体规划》,未来10年潍坊港有望跻身山东省亿吨大港行列。马来西亚森达美有限公司将在未来三年内投资约28亿元人民币以扩展其在山东潍坊的港口业务。而潍坊港5万吨级航道、5万吨级液化品泊位、客货滚装、集装箱泊位等重点项目已经正式启动,此举标志潍坊港新一轮大建设、大发展序幕已经拉开,对潍坊发展大局和推动潍坊滨海经济技术开发区加快“蓝黄”两区开发建设极具意义。 本文对潍坊港中港区5万吨级液品码头的工程项目进行了系统的研究。鉴于项目可行性研究在国内外许多领域都有了成熟而详尽的研究成果,本文着重从潍坊港中港区液品泊位工程项目的技术可行性、经济合理性等方面进行了着重论述。论文第一章介绍了液品泊位工程项目的研究背景、研究的目意义、项目可行性研究的国内外现状;介绍了论文研究的主要内容和方法。论文第二章具体到潍坊港中港区液品泊位项目的建设概述,对该项目的建设背景,必要性进行了分析,同时引入SWOT模型对该项目的优势、劣势、机遇、挑战进行了详尽地分析。论文第三章从工程建设条件、港口岸线使用方案、节能与安全、项目实施、项目招标等方面进行了立体纵向的技术可行性分析。论文第四章是该项目的经济合理性分析,在投资估算及资金筹措的基础上,进行了效益分析、财务分析、经济影响和社会影响分析。论文第五章从风险识别和风险应对措施两个方面进行了项目风险分析。 通过对该项目的可行性分析,我们得出结论,该项目的建设是必要的,并具有现实的意义,项目建成后,可以推动腹地石化产业持续快速健康发展;符合《黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展规划》和《山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划》,促进区域经济协调发展;完善港区功能,提升港口竞争力。
[Abstract]:As the hub of land and sea transportation, port plays an important role in connecting land and sea transportation, transferring passengers and goods, and distributing modern logistics. After recent years of development, production, construction and operation, Weifang Port has made considerable progress. In the future, it will develop into a large-scale comprehensive and modern transport service for various materials and materials in the coastal development zones, Weifang, Zibo and other hinterlands. Regional port areas, which serve large-scale heavy chemical industries such as oil, salt, coal, logistics and equipment manufacturing, play an important role in the construction and development of Binhai New City. And then in the Yellow River Delta high-efficient ecological region development in the leading position. According to the Weifang Port Master Plan, Weifang Port is expected to rank in Shandong Province in the next 10 years. Malaysia Sendama will invest about 2.8 billion yuan over the next three years to expand its port operations in Weifang, Shandong Province. And the key projects of Weifang Port, such as the 50,000 ton waterway with 50,000 tons of liquefied berths, passenger and cargo ro / ro, container berths, have been officially started. This marks a new round of large-scale construction of Weifang Port, and the prologue of the major development has already begun. It is of great significance to the overall development of Weifang and to speed up the development and construction of Weifang Binhai Economic and technological Development Zone. This paper makes a systematic study on the engineering project of the 50,000 ton liquid products wharf in the middle port of Weifang Port. In view of the mature and detailed research results in many fields at home and abroad, this paper focuses on the technical feasibility and economic rationality of the water berth project in the middle port of Weifang Port. The first chapter introduces the research background, the significance of the research, the status quo of the feasibility study at home and abroad, and introduces the main contents and methods of the research. In the second chapter, the author summarizes the construction of the berth project in Weifang Port, analyzes the background and necessity of the project, and introduces the SWOT model to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the project. In the third chapter, the technical feasibility is analyzed from the aspects of engineering construction conditions, port shoreline usage scheme, energy saving and safety, project implementation, project bidding, and so on. The fourth chapter is the economic rationality analysis of the project. On the basis of investment estimation and fund raising, the paper carries out the benefit analysis, financial analysis, economic impact analysis and social impact analysis. The fifth chapter analyzes the project risk from two aspects: risk identification and risk response. Through the feasibility analysis of the project, we draw the conclusion that the construction of the project is necessary and has practical significance, after the project is completed, it can promote the sustainable, rapid and healthy development of petrochemical industry in hinterland; In line with the "Yellow River Delta Eco-Economic Zone Development Plan" and "Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone Development Plan" to promote the coordinated development of regional economy, improve the functions of port areas, enhance the competitiveness of the port.


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