本文选题:公路工程 + 交通量预测 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在公路工程建设项目中,经济可行性评价的目的是根据项目所在地区的经济发展规划,结合交通量预测和工程建设规模等研究情况,计算项目的费用和效益,对拟建项目的经济合理性、财务可行性做出评价,为建设方案的比选、决策提供科学依据,是政府审批或核准项目的重要评判标准。本论文以S216察汗淖至敖勒召其镇公路工程为研究对象,对其经济可行性进行了研究。 首先,从项目的建设背景出发,,阐述了公路建设的意义、国内外研究现状及研究内容;其次,对工程影响区的经济和交通运输现状及发展趋势进行了分析;再次,依据2008年的OD调查数据,利用四阶段法预测了特征年该公路远景交通量,同时对其进行通行能力分析和服务水平分析,以确定公路建设需要采用的技术标准。根据此标准,综合考虑该公路途经区域的自然地理条件、需要的筑路材料和是否存在文物古迹等方面,初步拟定备选的布线方案。最后,论文对项目进行了投资估算和资金筹措分析,并对两套方案进行了国民经济评价和财务评价,以论证本项目在经济上的可行性。 本论文对于指导S216线察汗淖至敖勒召其镇公路工程的建设有重要意义,对于道路建设工程的经济可行性研究具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:In highway engineering construction projects, the purpose of economic feasibility evaluation is to calculate the cost and benefit of the project according to the economic development plan of the area where the project is located, combined with the traffic volume prediction and the scale of the project construction. The evaluation of the economic rationality and financial feasibility of the proposed project, which provides scientific basis for the comparison and decision of the construction project, is an important criterion for the approval or approval of the project by the government. This paper takes the highway project from S216 Chahannao to Aolechaoqi as the research object, and studies its economic feasibility. Firstly, from the background of the project construction, this paper expounds the significance of highway construction, domestic and foreign research status and research content; Secondly, the economic and transportation status and development trend of the affected area are analyzed. Thirdly, according to the OD survey data of 2008, the prospective traffic volume of the highway in the characteristic year is predicted by using the four-stage method. At the same time, capacity analysis and service level analysis are carried out to determine the technical standards to be adopted in highway construction. According to this criterion, considering the physical and geographical conditions of the highway passing through area, the necessary road construction materials and the existence of cultural relics and monuments, a preliminary alternative routing scheme is drawn up. Finally, the paper carries on the investment estimate and the fund raising analysis to the project, and carries on the national economy appraisal and the financial appraisal to the two sets of programs. In order to prove the economic feasibility of the project, this paper is of great significance for guiding the construction of the highway project from Chahannao to Aolezhao of S216 line, and has certain reference value for the economic feasibility study of the road construction project.
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