本文选题:天津中心城区 + 公共交通 ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:城市公共交通系统是城市道路交通的重要组成部分,是城市发展的必然产物,是联系国民生活、社会生产和流通领域的关键环节。世界各国在发展城市公共交通时,都面临着机动车保有量急剧增长、城市交通严重拥堵和公共交通服务水平下降等问题。单纯靠道路规模扩张、运营车辆增加、限行限购等措施已不能改善现状,只有从调整公共交通的布局和组织结构等方面着手,才能有效缓解交通压力,满足居民出行需求。天津作为环渤海经济圈的中心城市,拥有较好的地缘优势。在此基础上,天津市对中心城区提出了新的规划定位,发展势头强劲。天津中心城区可以作为公共交通便捷度研究的范例,探讨公共交通便捷度的评价方法及发展对策。为了实现对天津市中心城区公共交通系统布局和组织结构的准确把握,本文借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术,通过天津中心城区公交站点、公交运行线路等资料,采用空间分析技术和统计分析等方法,运用公交便捷度,即公共交通出行的方便程度这一量化指标对天津中心城区公交系统进行定量评价,并提出相应的对策,从而为提高城市交通管理水平、完善城市交通系统的功能、合理布局公交线网等提供建议和支持。主要包括以下几个方面: (1)公共交通在城市发展中的地位和作用。总结公共交通与城市发展关系的相关理论,对比国际大都市成熟的公共交通发展模式,分析天津中心城区现阶段公共交通发展的状况,为深入分析、评价奠定基础。 (2)天津中心城区公共交通便捷度评价。首先,基于GIS软件平台建立天津中心城区公交基础数据库。然后,基于站点图层运用GIS的空间分析功能进行站点密度分析、站点邻近服务面积分析、站点可达性分析等,同时参考基于线路图层计算的线网密度、线路重复系数等指标,得出天津中心城区公交便捷度评价结果。最后确定了人口密度、线网密度、线路重复系数和站点覆盖率四个聚类因子,进行分区域灰色聚类分析,在宏观上对天津中心城区公共交通便捷度进行评价。通过基于公交站点和公交线路的便捷度评价分析,天津中心城区公共交通便捷度呈现出明显的向心性空间特征:在公交站点的空间分析中,和平区、河西区、南开区、河东区、河北区、红桥区等中心六区在公交站点密度、邻近分配服务面积、站点可达性分析中都体现出较强的优势,公共交通便捷度较高;北辰区、西青区、东丽区和津南区公共交通便捷度与中心六区相比有较大的差距。在公交线路的指标计算分析中,根据灰色聚类系统,中心六区的公交便捷度属于一类,公交线网密度、线路重复系数、站点覆盖率等指标都比较接近理想值,而北辰区、西青区和东丽区属于二类,公共交通一般便捷,津南区的公共交通发展程度较低,还需下大力气改善。 (3)基于上述的研究,并结合天津的城市公共交通发展规划,分析中心城区公共交通发展状况,同时为中心城区公共交通基础建设及其规划发展提出相应的对策建议:提高公交便捷度水平,重点大力发展常规公共交通,优化公交系统结构,提高公共交通整体服务水平,大力推进公共交通引导城市发展,使其满足居民的出行需求;前期规划中要将道路交通规划融入城市总体规划中,避免出现交通规划消极的适应城市规划的现象;改善现有公交发展状况要加大公交系统的资金投入,制定对公交财政补贴的监督制度,进一步降低公交票价。
[Abstract]:Urban public transportation system is an important part of urban road traffic, an inevitable product of urban development and a key link in the field of national life, social production and circulation. In the development of urban public transportation, all countries are facing a rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles, serious traffic congestion and public transport service water. In order to alleviate traffic pressure and meet the needs of residents, Tianjin, as the central city around Bohai economic circle, has better geopolitics. On this basis, the city of Tianjin has put forward a new planning orientation and strong momentum of development. The central city of Tianjin can be used as an example of the study of public transportation convenience, and discusses the evaluation methods and Development Countermeasures of public transportation convenience. In order to realize the layout and structure of the public transportation system in the downtown of Tianjin. With the help of geographic information system (GIS) technology, the quantitative evaluation of bus system in the central urban area of Tianjin is carried out by means of spatial analysis and statistical analysis through the methods of spatial analysis and statistical analysis, such as bus convenience and convenience of public transportation, by means of geographic information system (GIS) technology. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures, so as to improve the level of urban traffic management, improve the function of urban traffic system, reasonable layout of the bus line network and other suggestions and support, including the following aspects:
(1) the status and role of public transportation in the development of the city. Summarize the related theories of the relationship between public transportation and urban development, compare the mature public transport development model of the international metropolis, analyze the present state of public transport development in the present stage of the central city of Tianjin, and lay the foundation for the in-depth analysis and evaluation.
(2) the public traffic convenience evaluation of Tianjin central city. First, based on the GIS software platform, the bus infrastructure database of Tianjin central city is set up. Then, the site density analysis is carried out based on the spatial analysis function of GIS based on the site map layer, the site proximity service area analysis, the accessibility analysis of the site and so on, and the reference based on the line layer calculation. The density of line network, line repetition coefficient and other indexes, the evaluation results of bus convenience in Tianjin central city are obtained. Finally, the population density, line network density, line repetition coefficient and site coverage rate are four clustering factors, and the grey clustering analysis is carried out in the region, and the public transportation convenience in the central city of Tianjin is evaluated on the macro basis. In the evaluation and analysis of the convenience of bus stations and bus lines, the public transportation convenience in the central city of Tianjin shows obvious centripetal spatial characteristics: in the spatial analysis of bus stations, the six districts of the peace zone, Hexi District, Nankai District, Hedong District, Hebei District and Hongqiao district are in the density of the bus station, the adjacent distribution service area, the site The accessibility analysis shows a strong advantage and the convenience of public transportation is high; the public transportation convenience in Beichen, Xiqing, Dongli and Jinnan has a large gap compared with the center six. In the calculation and analysis of the bus lines, the bus convenience of the central six area is a class of bus convenience according to the grey clustering system. Density, line repetition coefficient, site coverage and other indicators are close to the ideal value, while Beichen, Xiqing and Dongli are two categories, public transportation is generally convenient, the development of public transport in Jinnan is low, and great efforts should be made to improve.
(3) based on the above research and combined with the urban public transportation development plan of Tianjin, this paper analyzes the development of public transportation in the central urban area, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the public transportation infrastructure and its planning and development in the central urban area: to improve the convenience level of public transportation, to develop the conventional public transport and optimize the structure of the public transportation system In order to improve the overall service level of public transportation and promote public transportation to guide urban development to meet the needs of the residents, it is necessary to integrate the road traffic planning into the overall urban planning in the early planning and avoid the phenomenon of negative traffic planning to adapt to the urban planning; to improve the development of the existing public transport, the public transport system should be increased. The fund will be invested, and the supervision system of bus subsidy should be worked out to further reduce bus fare.
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