[Abstract]:Yunnan Province has a unique location advantage in the national "Belt and Road" development strategy, which is not only an important node to open to the west, but also an open radiation center for South and Southeast Asia, the location of which is especially prominent. Therefore, it is an important development opportunity for Yunnan Province to give full play to its regional advantages, build open highlands and build "Belt and Road" core hubs. How to seize this important development opportunity, optimize the industrial layout of Yunnan Province, improve the competitive ability and the level of social and economic development, all trades and departments of the province must unify their thinking and make concerted efforts under the unified leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Seize opportunities, find ways, and seek development countermeasures. At the same time, under the background of the national strategy of "Belt and Road" and the strategy of "Yunnan Province constructing radiation Center for South Asia and Southeast Asia", the country repositioned the development of transportation in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading. To change the way in the past to promote the development of the local economy through the development and improvement of transportation, to gradually adjust the industrial layout through the construction of transportation infrastructure, and to create competitive industrial chains and industrial clusters. Thus promoting the development of regional economy. The construction of transportation infrastructure has changed the thought of construction in the past and gradually changed from construction-oriented to industry-oriented. How to grasp the change of train of thought of national development strategy in the field of traffic and transportation, how to give full play to the advantages of the industry in the process of building a comprehensive transportation system, and find out the strategic orientation of the development of international shipping of the Mekong River in Lancang River. It is the focus of this paper to give full play to its unique transportation advantages and to explore the development countermeasures of the Lancang Mekong international shipping in Yunnan during the construction of the radiation center facing South Asia and Southeast Asia. By analyzing the geographical, regional, resource and strategic advantages of the Mekong River in Lancang River, and using the theory of SWOT analysis, the paper makes an objective and scientific prediction of the potential transportation demand in the basin. With regard to how to make full use of the rich natural resources and social and economic resources of the Mekong River, to seek policy support for the development of shipping, development direction, development countermeasures, and to find out the train of thought for the development of navigation in the Mekong River of Lancang River. In particular, its position in the national "Belt and Road" strategy and the strategy of "Yunnan Province to build a radiation center facing South Asia and Southeast Asia", The development countermeasures of Lancang River Mekong Shipping in supporting Yunnan Province to build radiation Center for Southeast Asia in South Asia are discussed objectively.
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