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发布时间:2018-07-26 07:59
[Abstract]:Yantai Port is the main hub port in the north of China, which is dominated by ore, coal and other bulk cargo. Because of the advantage of keeping the entrance of Bohai Bay and the advantage of natural deep-water wharf in Xigang, iron ore logistics is the focus of development for a long time in the future. One ore import wharf with a length of 759 meters is one each for the construction of a large bulk cargo operation area project in Xigang District, which is under construction, at the level of 200,000 tons and 300,000 tons (the hydraulic structure is designed according to the design of the 400,000 ton wharf). There are one general bulk berth each for the construction of 70,000 dwt (hydraulic structure is designed as 100,000-ton wharf) and 150,000 dwt (hydraulic structure is designed for 200,000 dwt wharf). The front water depth is -18 meters, and the length of the shoreline is 634 meters. The annual design capacity is 37 million tons, the total investment of the project is about 4.08 billion yuan, the project application report has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the construction began in March 2010. It is planned to have simple production conditions at the end of June, 2012, and complete production by the end of 2013. To become an important ore transfer port in northern China. In the current situation, how to give full play to the ability to achieve the goal can be maintained for a long time, is the current need to solve the problem. According to the reality of iron ore logistics development in Yantai Port, this paper puts forward the subject of logistics development in Yantai Port and Xigang District. By analyzing the present situation of the port of Yantai Port, the situation of iron ore supply, the demand of the hinterland, the internal and external collecting and distributing conditions, and through a large amount of detailed and authoritative data, this paper clarifies the development trend of iron ore in Xigang District of Yantai Port. Through the strategic analysis, this paper formulates the integrated development strategy, strengthens the logistics and the information development strategy and the two-way development strategy. By analyzing the present situation of iron ore transportation and the distribution of iron ore logistics in Yantai Port, the author finds out that the main factors restricting the development of iron ore logistics in Yantai Port are their own stacking yard, the conditions of internal transportation system and the shortage of berth capacity in the port area. Therefore, in the course of future development, it is necessary to speed up the third phase project of ore in Xigang district. Combined with the existing layout, logistics conditions and supply sources of Yantai Port, the paper makes a countermeasure study on the management and development of bulk cargo in Xigang District of Yantai Port.


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