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发布时间:2018-08-11 15:25
【摘要】:交通运输的发展,意味着输送的便利、效率的提高和运输费用的降低。但车辆在运输网络经过节点或在运输线路运行时,受各种因素的影响,不能以正常的速率通过,形成排队等待处理(或通过)运输网络。 现有研究多侧重车辆在节点产生的排队队列、等待时间和节点服务设备数量的设置,对车辆在整个运输网络产生的排队网络的研究不足,因此本文从整个运输排队网络的角度出发,研究基于指数密闭网络的运输排队问题。本论文的主要研究内容为: (1)从排队网络的角度对指数密闭运输网络进行描述和解释,界定运输网络的基本组成部分,构建指数密闭串联运输网络和指数密闭混合运输网络,本文的研究适用于这两种网络,并设置运输网络的各个参数和定义相关变量。 (2)在对指数密闭运输网络的单进路车站、多进路车站和区间的描述和各部分车辆作业过程分析的基础上,利用排队论的知识得到各部分的等待时间,计算构建的运输网络进行各个车站和区间的等待时间,并进行算例分析,指出实际应用中应考虑到现实条件的变化。 (3)车辆在运输网络的运行过程形成循环的排队系统,利用排队论的知识得到车辆在区间的运行时间,并进行算例分析,指出四方面因素对运行时间的影响。 本文在排队论和运输排队理论分析的基础上,构建指数密闭运输网络,并对网络的等待时间和运行时间进行研究,在算例中分析等待时间和运行时间在运输网络构建和评价中的作用。全文所作的研究为运输网络中线路的新建或开发提供一定的理论价值和现实意义。
[Abstract]:The development of transportation means the convenience of transportation, the improvement of efficiency and the decrease of transportation cost. However, when a vehicle passes through a node or in a transportation line, it cannot pass through at a normal rate by various factors, forming a queue for processing (or passing through) a transportation network. Most of the existing researches focus on the queue, waiting time and the number of service equipment, but the research on the queuing network generated by the vehicle in the whole transportation network is not enough. Therefore, from the point of view of the whole transport queuing network, this paper studies the transport queuing problem based on exponential closed network. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: (1) describe and explain the exponential closed transport network from the point of view of queueing network, define the basic components of transport network, To construct exponential airtight series transport network and exponentially closed hybrid transport network, the research in this paper is suitable for these two kinds of networks. Each parameter of transportation network is set up and relevant variables are defined. (2) on the basis of description of single-route station, multi-route station and interval of exponentially closed transport network and analysis of vehicle operation process of each part, The waiting time of each part is obtained by using the knowledge of queuing theory, and the waiting time of each station and interval is calculated by calculating the constructed transportation network, and an example is analyzed. It is pointed out that the change of realistic conditions should be taken into account in practical application. (3) A cyclic queuing system is formed during the operation of a vehicle in a transportation network. The running time of a vehicle in an interval is obtained by using the knowledge of queuing theory, and an example is analyzed. The influence of four factors on the running time is pointed out. On the basis of queuing theory and transportation queuing theory, this paper constructs an exponentially closed transport network, and studies the waiting time and running time of the network. The role of waiting time and running time in the construction and evaluation of transportation network is analyzed in an example. The research in this paper provides certain theoretical value and practical significance for the construction or development of transportation network.


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7 王,




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