[Abstract]:With the gradual acceleration of the process of global economic integration, since entering the 21 century, some new changes and new trends have emerged in the management and development of airports. More and more airport managers are gradually changing their understanding of the airport. In addition to strengthening the traditional safe operation of some advanced airports abroad, It has also greatly strengthened the development and utilization of non-aviation business resources, and has achieved very good results. So, how can domestic airports learn from the advanced management experience of foreign airports to carry out non-aviation operations? Become the main problem that most domestic airports face. Based on the definition of the concept of airport non-aviation business and the relevant theories and tools of development strategy, this paper analyzes the development trend of airport non-aviation business on the basis of combing the relevant research documents of airport non-aviation business. The characteristics and the necessity of developing non-aviation business at the airport are analyzed. The industry trend, macro environment and internal non-aviation operation status of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport are analyzed. Summarized Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to develop non-aviation business opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses. On this basis, the SWOT matrix matching of non-aviation business of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is carried out, the development strategy of non-aviation business of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is selected, and the principles, objectives, positioning and implementation ideas of the strategy are put forward. And from the airport retail business layout and pricing, build the airport aviation logistics business development platform, build the airport civil aviation science and technology industry development brand, In this paper, the author puts forward the specific measures for the development of non-aviation business in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, including the guarantee of corporate culture, the guarantee of organizational structure, the guarantee of human resources, and so on. The financial management guarantee includes four measures to ensure the implementation of the strategy.
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