[Abstract]:As an important part of the city public service and highway transportation hub, the automobile passenger station is the transformation center of the city passenger flow and its information flow, the window of industry civilization and the source of industry management. Fair competition of passenger transport market, to ensure the safety and convenience of the people travel has an important role. With the development of social economy and the development of our country's road passenger transportation, the planning, construction and investment of the automobile passenger station have been continuously strengthened. Passenger terminal infrastructure construction scale and service level to a certain extent have been upgraded. However, there are still some problems, such as unclear nature of government investment, insufficient fund for construction of station and bad management system of some stations, which restrict the further development of automobile passenger station industry. With the reform of investment system and operation mechanism in our country, it is of great significance to explore the financing construction and management mode of automobile passenger station under the new situation. This paper adopts the method of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis, first of all, from the analysis of the present situation of the construction and operation mode of the automobile passenger transport station in China, the main problems existing in the current construction and operation mode are analyzed. Then it analyzes the basic attributes of the automobile passenger station by using the theory of public economics, and further analyzes and studies the effective mode of providing the automobile passenger station on the basis of this, and considers that as the automobile passenger station with quasi-public goods attribute, Its construction and operation are not completely effective, not only through the way that the government authorizes the market to provide, but also by the way of providing the market. Following the exploration of the mixed mode of government and market, this paper puts forward the viewpoint that the franchise mode can be introduced into the financing and operation of automobile passenger terminal construction, and respectively from the current policy and institutional environment. This paper analyzes the feasibility of passenger station in terms of its own characteristics and social capital adequacy, and considers that it is feasible and has certain favorable conditions. This paper discusses some related problems such as value calculation and concession contract, and finally puts forward some suggestions on the supervision of the franchise operation of automobile passenger terminal in the aspects of contract and legal system, service price, public participation mechanism and so on.
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