[Abstract]:As two strategic resources of Liaoning Province, port industry and equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province have always had an inseparable relationship. The good development of the equipment manufacturing industry not only provides abundant sources of goods for the ports in Liaoning Province, but also helps to give full play to the radiation effect of the ports on the regional economy and promote the development of the regional economy in Liaoning Province. At the same time, the construction of modern port group in Liaoning Province is also promoting the development of equipment manufacturing industry and other related industries in Liaoning Province. But on the whole, the equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province is still at the low end of the global industrial chain, and one of the important reasons is that compared with the scale and speed of the development of the equipment manufacturing industry, the development of productive logistics lags behind seriously. As the intersection center of logistics, capital flow and information flow in the supply chain, port is advantageous to the integration of resources and provides better logistics services for related industries by virtue of its unique location advantage. Based on this, this paper studies the integration of port resources in Liaoning Province to promote the development of equipment manufacturing industry, in order to achieve the interactive development of equipment manufacturing industry and port logistics, and promote the economic development of Liaoning Province. Based on the theory of port resource integration to promote the development of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province, this paper first analyzes the present situation of port resource integration and equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province. The grey relational analysis model is used to quantitatively study the relationship between the development of the two industries at present. Secondly, the existing port resources integration model is studied, and the characteristics and applicability of the existing port resources integration model are analyzed. Then it analyzes the relevant factors that affect the choice of port resource integration mode, establishes the corresponding index system, and through the expansion of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, carries on the port resources integration mode selection based on the equipment manufacturing industry development in Liaoning province. Finally, the countermeasures and suggestions of port resources integration to promote the development of equipment manufacturing industry in Liaoning Province are put forward. This paper has some reference significance for port resources integration to promote the development of related industries, especially the equipment manufacturing industry.
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