[Abstract]:With the rapid increase in the number and usage of private cars in cities, traffic problems have become the bottleneck restricting the rapid development of cities. As an effective measure to alleviate urban traffic congestion and reduce vehicle emissions, public bicycles have developed rapidly in China since 2008. The development of public bicycle is influenced by the external environment of the system and the interaction between the subsystems within the system. Based on the characteristics of Chinese cities, this paper studies the key internal and external factors that affect the development of public bicycle. The conclusion has certain reference value for the development of public bicycle project in Chinese cities. The main research work and conclusions are as follows: the influence of public bicycle on private car owners' choice of travel mode. Public bicycles make travelers with private cars face the problem of new modes of travel, and the existing literatures lack of research on the mechanism of this problem. In this paper, under the assumption that the travelers are bounded rational, the evolutionary game theory is used to study the evolution of the choice of travel modes for private car owners in different travel distances when they are faced with public bicycle and public transportation respectively. It is found that the choice of travel modes is not only related to the income conditions of different modes of travel, but also to the proportion of groups participating in public bicycle projects in the initial state. According to the research results, the paper puts forward the measures to promote the change of private car travel to public bicycle and other public transportation trips, which provides a theoretical basis for the introduction of public bicycle related policies. Research on Principal-Agent relationship among the three main participants of Public Bicycle. The public bicycle service mainly involves the public, the government and the operation enterprise three participants, at present the related theory mainly involves the government and the operation enterprise under the different relations the business model research, and the qualitative analysis is the main body. This paper analyzes the dual principal-agent relationship among them and models the implicit principal-agent relationship between the public and the government. Three typical business models of public bicycle, such as government establishment and operation mode, government and enterprise cooperation model, public resource replacement service model, are compared and studied. The results show that enterprises lack incentive to reduce cost under the mode of government establishment and operation and cooperation between government and enterprise, but the relationship between government and enterprise is helpful for enterprises to resist market risk. Under the business model of replacing public bicycle service with public resources, enterprises have the motive power to improve the service level actively, but there is information rent, and they are facing higher market risk. Finally, some suggestions on how to play the role of government and motivate agents to work hard are put forward. A Comparative study on the Operation Mode of Urban Public Bicycle. At present, there is a lack of theoretical research on the operation mode of public bicycle. In this paper, the typical operation mode of public bicycle in the actual project is summarized as no charge, no restriction, no charge, but limited use. The low price charge does not restrict the use mode, the low price charge and the limit use mode, the high price charge does not limit the use mode 5 kinds, based on this proposed the high price charge does not limit the use and subsidizes the user mode. From the angle of individual optimization and system optimization, this paper makes a comparative study of six operation modes, and finds out that from the perspective of public welfare and economy of public bicycle projects, as well as the practical operational point of view, At this stage, it is more suitable for Chinese cities to adopt the operation mode of low price and limited use.
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