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发布时间:2018-10-09 12:52
【摘要】:中国货运航空有限公司(以下简称中货航)成立于1998年,是中国第一家专业从事货邮运输业务的航空公司。由于当时货运航空市场发展迅速,国外航空货运巨头没有大规模进入,加上国内竞争鲜有对手,使得中货航在成立的前几年大幅盈利,取得了较好的经营业绩,度过了一段黄金期。 但是近几年来,随着中国天空开放政策的实施、航权的逐步开放、以及政府对航空货运业务的大力扶持,市场竞争不断加剧,中货航的经营连续出现大幅亏损,究其原因主要是公司发展战略不清晰,定位不准确,缺乏应对市场环境变化的有效对策,错过了最好的发展机遇期。 本文从航空货运发展的角度,针对目前行业现状和公司发展难题,运用企业发展战略管理的理论和PEST分析法、波特五力等管理模型,分析了中国货运行业未来的发展趋势,以及中货航的战略外部环境。并运用SWOT分析法,在对中货航的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行综合分析的基础上,提出中货航必须从传统的航空货运承运人尽快转型为现代物流企业,在做强主业的基础上,开展快递和运输贸易等多种业务的战略方向和选择。 论文大致分为六个部分。第一部分是序论;第二部分是战略及战略层次,主要是有关战略管理的理论学习和研究心得;第三部分是航空货运市场分析,运用数据加以阐述和论证;第四部分参照战略管理理论,对中货航的发展战略进行定位;第五部分是战略实施,资源整合及竞争优势获取,寻求解决方案;第六部分是结论。
[Abstract]:China cargo Aviation Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as China cargo Airlines) was established in 1998, is China's first specialized cargo and postal transport business airlines. Due to the rapid development of the cargo aviation market at that time, the foreign air cargo giants did not enter on a large scale, coupled with the lack of domestic competition, which made China cargo Airlines make a substantial profit in the first few years of its establishment and achieved better operating performance. Through a golden period. However, in recent years, with the implementation of China's sky opening policy, the gradual opening of air rights, and the government's strong support for air cargo business, market competition has been intensifying, and the operation of SinoAir has been losing a lot of money in a row. The main reasons are that the development strategy of the company is not clear, the positioning is not accurate, and the effective countermeasures to deal with the change of market environment are lacking, and the best development opportunity period has been missed. From the point of view of the development of air freight, this paper analyzes the future development trend of China's freight industry by using the theory of enterprise development strategy management and the PEST analysis method and Porter's five forces management model, aiming at the current situation of the industry and the problems in the development of the company. As well as the strategic external environment of China cargo carrier. On the basis of the comprehensive analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of China cargo carriers, the paper puts forward that China cargo carriers must be transformed from traditional air cargo carriers to modern logistics enterprises as soon as possible, and on the basis of strengthening the main business, it is necessary to make a comprehensive analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of air cargo carriers. Develop express delivery and transport trade and other business strategic direction and choice. The paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the preface theory, the second part is the strategy and strategy level, mainly is the theory study and the research experience about the strategic management, the third part is the air cargo market analysis, uses the data to explain and the demonstration; The fourth part, referring to the theory of strategic management, positioning the development strategy of China cargo Airlines; the fifth part is the implementation of strategy, resource integration and competitive advantage to seek solutions; the sixth part is the conclusion.


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