[Abstract]:Port is not only the central link of transportation network, but also an important part of economic system. With the development of port function, a large amount of logistics, capital flow and information flow converge, the port gradually becomes the gathering place of social and economic activities, and its development level is an important symbol to measure the level of social and economic development of a country or region. Ports not only promote the development of their cities, but also promote the development of surrounding areas and hinterlands. With the strengthening of domestic and foreign trade ties, port competitiveness and urban competitiveness are closely linked, which has become an important embodiment of urban competitiveness. The rapid development of economy provides a good opportunity for port development, but the contradiction between economy and resource environment is increasingly prominent. With the increasingly obvious contradiction between the human society economy and the carrying capacity of resources and environment, the sustainable development of economic society is constrained by the shortage of natural resources. In order to achieve sustainable development, we must change the traditional mode of economic priority development, start with the perspective of circular economy, make economic development within the range of carrying capacity of resources and environment, and finally promote the friendly development of economy, natural resources and environment. To form a sustainable development advantage. The port, like other enterprises, has its own mode of production and management, obtains profits and develops by providing related services. At the same time, the port is also an energy importing enterprise, and its production operation requires not only the use of land resources, but also the consumption of coal. Electric power and so on; but also involves the harbor water area, the harbor own production characteristic has decided to reflect the port competition condition by the traditional competitive ability concept already out of date. This paper takes the sustainable thought as the starting point, takes the development of circular economy as the important guiding ideology, and examines the port competitiveness from the aspects of traditional factors and ecological factors. To form the sustainable competitiveness of the port, this competitiveness requires the port competitiveness to be a sustainable competitive advantage coordinated with its own strength, external economy and ecological resource environment. This paper selects Chongqing Port as port sample, evaluates the competitiveness of Chongqing Port from 2006 to 2010 by principal component analysis, and chooses the ecological footprint method to calculate the ecological factors.
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