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发布时间:2018-10-13 15:06
【摘要】:高速公路事业对中国经济发展意义巨大,我国迅速提升在全世界的威望和地位与它的发展休戚相关。高速公路事业形成扩张性发展势态,目前处于世界排名第二位置。面临的主要问题是大规模建设与融资紧缺不协调,融通资金的渠道不顺畅。国内外学术界把这些内容作为研究的焦点。 作为交通发展相对滞后的西部省份,十五年来广西引进高速公路事业的历史告诉我们,短时间借鉴其他省市的做法有待实践的检验,目前没有出现一整套合身的融资体系。多数是以计划经济体制建设方向为主,市场化改革有待完善。广西近年来的高速公路规划建设项目逐渐增多,路网密度逐级加大,今后十年仍属广西高速公路的集中建设期,项目建设资金需求量大。而广西经济欠发达,财政拨付力明显不足,仅仅依靠银行贷款路子越来越行不通,急需通过有效的方式解决建设资金短缺的难题。目前广西高速公路建设项目的融资量小,融资渠道少,经验不足,方式方法上缺乏必要的创新。因此对广西高速公路融资方式进行研究具有积极的现实意义和一定的理论价值。 本文通过运用国内外的融资理论,在描述融资方式类别和特点的基础上,介绍高速公路需求特性和我国主要运行的融资方式后,结合广西高速公路发展状况、融资现状、融资结构和融资环境做出分析,全面对广西高速公路造成融资困境存在的问题及成因进行总结:主要存在政府保护主义严重,各种融资方式发挥作用不足,社会融资环境运行不佳等原因。接着介绍国内外高速路已有成功的融资经验对广西启发,深入探索解决广西高速公路建设项目的融资策略,最后得出论文五点结论和提出本文的建议和问题,存在有待完善的研究工作。
[Abstract]:Highway industry is of great significance to China's economic development, and China's rapid promotion of prestige and status in the world is closely related to its development. Expressway cause forms expansionary development situation, at present ranks the second position in the world. The main problem is the lack of coordination between large-scale construction and financing, financing channels are not smooth. The academic circles at home and abroad regard these contents as the focus of research. As a western province with relatively lagged traffic development, the history of Guangxi's introduction of expressway in the past 15 years tells us that the practice of drawing lessons from other provinces and cities in a short period of time is to be tested, and there is not a whole set of suitable financing system at present. Most of the planned economy system construction direction, market reform needs to be improved. In recent years, the highway planning and construction projects in Guangxi have gradually increased, and the road network density has been gradually increased. In the next ten years, it is still a concentrated construction period of Guangxi expressway, and the project construction fund demand is large. However, Guangxi's economy is underdeveloped, and the financial allocation is obviously insufficient, so it is becoming more and more impracticable to rely on bank loans only, and it is urgent to solve the problem of shortage of construction funds by effective means. At present, the amount of financing of highway construction project in Guangxi is small, the financing channel is less, the experience is insufficient, and the necessary innovation is lacking in the way and method. Therefore, it has positive practical significance and certain theoretical value to study the financing mode of Guangxi Expressway. Based on the description of the types and characteristics of the financing methods, this paper introduces the characteristics of highway demand and the main financing modes in China, and combines the development of Guangxi Expressway, the current financing situation, and the development of Guangxi Expressway, on the basis of describing the types and characteristics of the financing methods. Based on the analysis of financing structure and financing environment, the paper sums up the problems and causes of financing predicament caused by Guangxi Expressway: there is serious government protectionism, and all kinds of financing methods play an insufficient role. Social financing environment is not good operation and other reasons. Then introduce the successful financing experience at home and abroad to Guangxi, explore the financing strategy of Guangxi expressway construction project, finally draw five conclusions of the paper and put forward the suggestions and problems in this paper. There is a need for perfect research work.


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