[Abstract]:Since the 21 century, the acceleration of global economic integration has led to the rapid development of science and technology, and has also made countries more closely connected, trade more frequent, air cargo business. In particular, domestic air cargo business has also flourished. Although the financial crisis of 2007 spread all over the world, the air cargo market in Qingdao area is still very popular. As Shandong Peninsula local Shandong Airlines Qingdao base cargo business is facing the most severe test since the establishment. The number of flights at the Qingdao base of Shan Airlines can be said to be second to none in Island City, but there is still a clear gap between the number of flights at the Qingdao base and those of large international airlines such as China Eastern Airlines. In terms of domestic cargo, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines, which are the same as the base airlines, are facing the threat. The annual freight revenue is far less than the same Jinan base of the Mountain Air Base Company. How to make use of all kinds of advantages and convenient conditions, predict the development trend of freight transportation in the future, and formulate the development strategy of freight transport in accordance with its own conditions is an important subject facing the cargo people of Qingdao base of Shanshan Airlines. Based on the framework of the theory of enterprise development strategy, this paper tries to sum up the experience and lessons, problems and reasons, by means of statistical analysis method and inductive summary method. Through Porter's five Force Model and SWOT, the development strategy of freight conformed to Qingdao base of Shanshan Airlines is worked out, which can be used as reference for other bases. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the research methods, framework and so on. The second chapter is an overview of relevant theories, mainly introduces PEST analysis, Porter's five forces model analysis, SWOT analysis and enterprise development strategy theory. The third chapter introduces the development of Qingdao base of Shanshan Airlines, including the number of routes, the size of freight and the source structure. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the macro-environment, micro-environment, the current situation of Qingdao freight market and the internal conditions of Qingdao base, including political, economic, social, cultural and technological environment. The micro-environment analysis is carried out from five aspects: customer demand, supplier capability, competitors' ability, existing substitutes and potential competitors. The analysis of internal conditions starts with the freight transport system, and analyzes the sales mode. The operation mode and human resources are analyzed in depth, and the SWOT model is used to sum up. The fifth chapter is the development strategy of Qingdao base of Shanshan Airlines, including the basic principles and guiding ideology of the development strategy, as well as the establishment of internal and external objectives. The sixth chapter expounds how to carry out the freight transportation strategy of Shanshan Airlines Qingdao Base, as well as the steps of implementation and the objectives of each stage. In the part of the implementation strategy, it puts forward the establishment of a strategic alliance for freight transport and the establishment of a specialized freight company. Strengthen infrastructure construction and human resources training and other strategies.
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