China, inland waters, LNG, vessel, fuel, economical efficien
Prospect of LNG application to inland water transportation in China
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Zhou Shuhui, Shen Xin, Liu Xiaojuan, Li Guang, Yang Yi (PetroChina Petroleum Planning& Engineering Institute, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstr:The development of LNG-powered vessels is of great significance to energy saving and emission reduction in inland waters shipping in China. In view of this, this paper first analyzes and predicts the shipping business trend, fuel consumption and LNG demand potential in China. Then, this paper makes an investigation into supply price of LNG resources, economical efficiency of LNG's being substitute for fuel oils, and the process of gas-powered vessels development. The following conclusions are drawn of the prospect of LNG as an alternative fuel for shipping vessels in China. (1) LNG is less competitive than fuel oils but more cost-effective than diesel. (2) In the future, LNG supply will satisfy the need of LNG as a vessel fuel and its price will be acceptable in the shipping business in China. (3) From both technical and economic points of view, LNG is a good alternative fuel for inland and offshore cargo ships and engineering ships, but not for fishing boats due to its small tonnage, short shipping time as well as fuel subsidies. (4) There are still many problems to solve in terms of legislation, technology, LNG supply on waters, etc. In general, the replace- ment of shipping vessel fuels by LNG will first go through a trial period of 2 - 3 years, then a start-up period of 2 - 3 years, and finally come into the business development. (5) With the possibility of this replacement and the process of market cultivation taken into account, it is predicted that the maximum demand volume of LNG as an alternative vessel fuel will be about 0.6 billion m3 in 2015 and nearly 4 billion m3 in 2020. In the end, this paper suggests that government departments in charge and the related enterprises
Keyword::China, inland waters, LNG, vessel, fuel, economical efficiency, market potential, developing proposals