[Abstract]:Financial analysis is the core of the feasibility study of highway construction projects, and is an organic part and important content of the preliminary research work of highway construction projects. The purpose of financial analysis is to base on the strategy of national economic and social development and the transportation industry. The requirements of regional development planning, combined with traffic volume prediction and engineering and technical research, to calculate the financial costs and benefits of the project, to evaluate the financial rationality and feasibility of the proposed project, and to compare and select the project construction plan, Decision-making provides scientific basis. Therefore, it is of great significance to use scientific and reasonable methods to study the financial analysis of highway construction projects and analyze the financial benefits accurately, which is of great significance to the investment and financing of construction projects and project decision-making. In this paper, the basic data estimation of highway construction project financial analysis is analyzed and studied at first. On this basis, it is mainly based on the 2010 edition of "methods for compiling the feasibility study report of highway construction project". Methods and parameters of Economic Evaluation of Construction projects (3rd Edition) and Economic Evaluation methods and parameters of Highway Construction projects, the financial analysis of highway construction projects is studied. Based on the economic evaluation method and parameters of highway construction project, a new financial analysis index system is established, and the analysis flow of financial analysis and the compilation of financial statements are studied. This paper discusses the whole process of financial analysis with examples, which is of practical significance to the financial analysis of highway construction projects in the new period.
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