[Abstract]:China's port throughput, fleet size and shipbuilding tonnage are among the highest in the world. There is no doubt that China has entered the ranks of a shipping power, but China's shipping is not yet a shipping and marine power. There is no recognized international shipping center. The main reason is that China's shipping policy, shipping services, shipping culture and other shipping soft power is weak. Shipping soft power is the core competitiveness of shipping industry, it can produce more influence than hard power. Therefore, enhancing China's shipping soft power is the only way to build our country into a shipping power. Since Joseph Nye of the United States put forward the concept of soft power, the research on soft power has been gradually carried out all over the world, and the idea that soft power is a core competence has been widely accepted. However, the research of shipping soft power is still few, the current research is basically in the stage of concept introduction, and the specific components and evaluation fields of the shipping soft power are still blank, so it is of great significance to further study the shipping soft power. Based on the above background, this paper begins with the concept of shipping soft power, abstracts 6 main elements and 12 specific elements of shipping soft power, and clarifies the limits and scope of shipping soft power. Then, by using Herbert Simon's "Target-means Analysis method", the evaluation index system of shipping soft power is constructed, which includes 6 first class indexes, 12 second class indexes and 144 third class indexes through layer upon layer recursive analysis. It lays a foundation for the evaluation of shipping soft power. In view of the characteristics that the evaluation index of shipping soft power is difficult to quantify, this paper establishes a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of AHP combined with analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, which provides the basis for the evaluation of shipping soft power. This paper evaluates the shipping soft power of nine countries, namely, China, Britain, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Singapore, Japan and South Korea, by combining qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods. Finally, according to the evaluation results, the strategy of improving China's shipping soft power is given.
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