[Abstract]:With the reform and opening up in Shenzhen for more than 30 years, great achievements have been made in the development of social economy, and great progress has been made in the road industry, especially since the 1980s. High-grade highway construction, marked by expressway, has made remarkable achievements. By the end of the 20th century, both highway and ordinary highway have been greatly developed. However, compared with the rapid development of highway construction, the highway management system of Shenzhen is restricted by the influence of planned economy and national traditional management system, and can not meet the needs of highway cause and social economic development. Therefore, to straighten out the relationship of highway management, to solve as soon as possible, road management does not distinguish between government and enterprise, economic attributes are not clear, the improvement of highway management system reform has become a problem to be solved. The reform of highway management system is a systematic project with wide scope, many problems and strong policies. Therefore, after studying and summarizing the basic theories and methods of highway system reform at home and abroad, this paper makes some prospective discussions on the highway system reform in Shenzhen. Among them, I refer to the documents and regulations related to highway reform, so that this article has certain standardization in carrying out policies, and has read a variety of works related to the reform, especially the reform of highway management system, drawing lessons from developed countries. In particular, the advanced management experience of the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, through in-depth and systematic theoretical research and comparative analysis of the models, has made a theoretical exploration on the establishment of the road management model in Shenzhen. It provides a theoretical reference for the reform of highway management system and the development of highway industry in Shenzhen.
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