[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasingly frequent economic exchanges between countries, international shipping has played a more and more important role in the development of world trade. In the international shipping market, dry bulk shipping market plays an important role. International dry bulk shipping plays an important role in ensuring the smooth progress of international trade and promoting the development of world economy. The subprime mortgage crisis, which began in the United States in 2008, quickly turned into a global financial crisis, which led to the recession of the world real economy. With the decline in the volume of international trade, the international dry bulk shipping market plummeted. The downturn in the shipping market has continued into 2012 and there is little sign of recovery. Under the influence of the global financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the financing capacity of private small and medium-sized dry bulk cargo shipowners has continued to decline, and a large number of shipowners have closed down because of the breakage of the capital chain. In this harsh environment, how to survive and develop, has become the first task facing Huali Shipping. This paper adopts the combination of macro and micro analysis, normative research and empirical research, based on the enterprise strategy theory and the "dynamic competition" theory. Through the "PEST" model and "dynamic competition" model to find out the opportunities and threats of Huali shipping; Then through the analysis of internal resource capacity and value chain to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Huali Shipping, to use the "SWOT" model to develop a variety of options for Huali Shipping, and to outline the strategy, vision, mission and objectives of the enterprise. The paper analyzes the five elements of strategy implementation one by one, and finally analyzes the supporting mechanism of Huali shipping, such as culture, brand, human resources, management and control system and entrepreneur spirit construction. The full text has made the plan for the development strategy of Hua Li Shipping. Hope to guide enterprises out of the industry difficulties, but also to the development of other private small and medium dry bulk shipowners enlightenment.
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