[Abstract]:The international shipping industry is an industry with high price risk, especially the international dry bulk shipping market, which is close to a completely competitive market structure. The rapidly changing freight rate brings a huge operating risk to the participants in the dry bulk market. Evading the risk of freight rate is the problem that the whole dry bulk shipping market has been paying close attention to. Shipping industry has introduced a series of freight risk management products to avoid freight risk. Forward Freight Agreement (FFA) is the most widely traded and the largest volume of shipping derivatives. A large number of existing documents have proved that the FFA market has a price-discovery function, similar to FFA, the (Time Charter, contract for dry bulk goods fixed rent rate, including the parties to the contract to determine the future trend of spot freight. The correct analysis of the relationship between term rental contract price spot freight rate and FFA price is helpful to better forecast spot freight rate and is of great significance to the management of shipping enterprises. In this paper, three types of ships, three kinds of TC prices of rental period, and the corresponding Baltic price index and FFA price are selected as the research objects, and the relationship between the three prices is studied by econometrics method. The empirical results show that there is a two-way causal relationship between spot rates, TC and FFA prices. Like the FFA market, the futures rental market has the function of price discovery, and the smaller the ship type is, the longer the lease period is, the stronger the price discovery function is. In this paper, a vector error correction model based on FFA price and TC price, VECM (TC, FFA), is proposed to improve the accuracy of spot price prediction. The research results of this paper provide theoretical support for dry bulk shipping enterprises to anticipate future freight rates and to guard against the risk of price fluctuation.
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