[Abstract]:Rail transit is the main component of large and medium-sized city passenger transport. Shanghai must develop mass transit systems, including light rail transit and subway, to undertake most of the passenger transport tasks. Shanghai Shentong Group Co., Ltd. is a large enterprise group which integrates the investment, construction and operation management of rail transit, and is the main body responsible for the construction and operation of Shanghai rail transit. In this paper, the marketing strategy of Shanghai Shentong Group rail transit project is taken as the research object. Firstly, the marketing environment of Shanghai Shentong Group rail transit project is analyzed by using SWOT analysis model. Secondly, using the theory of target market strategy, the paper studies the market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning of Shanghai Shentong Group rail transit project. Based on the theory of marketing combination, this paper focuses on the marketing strategy of Shanghai Shentong Group Rail Transit Project. Finally, the paper puts forward the guarantee measures of the implementation of the marketing strategy of Shanghai Shentong Group's rail transit project from the aspects of service environment, whole process service, fine management and brand culture. The research results of this paper have certain reference significance and reference value to the marketing work of Shanghai Shentong Group Rail Transit Project.
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