[Abstract]:Due to the limitations of the existing personnel system and the backwardness of personnel management concepts, the Guilin Marine Bureau has gradually revealed that there are too many people, lack of competitiveness, lack of enthusiasm for the work of the staff and workers, and the reward and punishment mechanism cannot play a very good role in regulating the situation. In order to solve these problems, this paper studies the new public management theory, human resource management theory, and so on. It is pointed out that the traditional way of human management in public organizations can no longer meet the needs of the development of the situation, and that the human factors that must be fully considered in the development of an organization, that is, people-oriented, must be fully considered. Taking people as the basis, we should fully consider individual differences and attach importance to individual differences, so we can manage them in a targeted way, so we put forward the concept of personnel differentiation management. This paper makes a simple distinction between differentiated management and classified management, which makes us realize that differentiation management is more active and effective than classifying management. At the same time, on the basis of learning from the experience of western countries in the management of differentiation, this paper deeply analyzes the existence of staff use-training mode in Guilin Marine Administration, which is relatively simple and extensive, and does not carry out career planning. Lead to the waste of human resources; The staff incentive mechanism is not perfect and the effective competition is insufficient, which results in the human resources subjective initiative being affected; Based on the system theory and demand theory, this paper puts forward the feasible mode of the differentiated management of the staff of Guilin Marine Bureau, which is based on the low degree of staff turnover and unreasonable allocation of human resources. That is, from the information collection and analysis-the establishment of staff differentiation database-to establish the corresponding performance evaluation system model. The differentiated management of the staff of Guilin Marine Affairs Bureau has faced up to and attached importance to the individual differentiation of maritime personnel, and closely linked the personal growth and development with the development of the Guilin Maritime Affairs Bureau, and explored a suitable and sustainable one. The highly efficient management mode of maritime personnel realizes the mutual promotion between individuals and organizations, which has important practical significance.
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