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发布时间:2019-01-09 15:34
【摘要】:港口作为全球综合运输网络的接点,其职能不断在扩展,正朝着提供全方位增值服务的方向发展。现代港口还是推动贸易发展的催化剂,对港口周边地区和腹地产生巨大的商业辐射功能,推动着区域经济的协调发展。因此对港口企业的物流发展战略规划研究有着重大意义。 本文共分为五章,第一章为绪论,阐述了本课题研究的背景和相关文献综述及本文的研究方法,介绍了国外及国内当今对港口物流的一些前沿性研究。第二章为相关理论概述,主要是竞争理论和物流方面理论的论述。第三章为广州港集团简介及外部竞争环境分析,引用PEST、波特五力模型分析企业面临的外部环境,以及应用SWOT分析方法,对企业的内部优劣势分析。第四章具体提出适合广州港集团物流方面战略的规划和分析,提出建设性的建议。第五章为战略实施的保障体系,提出了战略实施的重点和部署。最后对本文的分析结论进行了概括总结,并对本文的局限性进行说明。 对现代物流而言,“供应链”早已成为其一个重要名词。港口是现代物流业的重要环节,属于稀缺资源,有着得天独厚的优势。将港口功能和物流园区功能进行比较,港区只要往前走一步,哪怕走一小步,就会变成一个功能完善的园区,但是物流园区怎么走也变不成港区,因为这不可逆行。港口不用搞多元化,而应围绕现代物流业服务展开,不仅提供服务,而且应组织整个国际物流过程活动。从世界先进港口的发展趋势,物流最前沿的供应链管理理论,港口应直接开展第三方物流业务,以促进物流的稳定性。 本文针对广州港集团提出了“战略联盟、区港联动、江海联动、港铁联运、无水港延伸、航运服务、贸易平台,保税港区”等战略,这些战略都是围绕港口应强化供应链集成管理功能的角度来展开分析。当代港口间的竞争将从提升港口功能和码头等级为核心的节点竞争向构建以港口为枢纽的供应链服务体系转变,港口服务范围将向海向和陆向两个扇面拓展,港口服务将更加精细化、敏捷化和柔性化。
[Abstract]:As the contact point of the global integrated transportation network, port's function is expanding constantly and developing towards the direction of providing the full range of value-added services. The modern port is also a catalyst to promote the development of trade. It has a huge commercial radiation function on the surrounding areas and hinterlands of the port and promotes the coordinated development of regional economy. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the logistics development strategic planning of port enterprises. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. It expounds the background of the research, the literature review and the research methods of this paper, and introduces some advanced researches on port logistics in foreign and domestic countries. The second chapter is a summary of relevant theories, mainly about competition theory and logistics theory. The third chapter is the introduction of Guangzhou Port Group and the analysis of the external competitive environment. The PEST, Porter five-force model is used to analyze the external environment faced by the enterprises, and the internal advantages and disadvantages of the enterprises are analyzed by using the SWOT analysis method. Chapter four puts forward the planning and analysis of logistics strategy suitable for Guangzhou Port Group, and puts forward constructive suggestions. The fifth chapter is the guarantee system of strategy implementation, and puts forward the emphases and arrangements of strategy implementation. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is summarized, and the limitations of this paper are explained. For modern logistics, supply chain has already become an important term. Port is an important link of modern logistics industry, belonging to scarce resources, with unique advantages. Comparing the port function with the function of the logistics park, the port area will become a well-functioning park as long as it takes a step forward, even if it takes a small step, but the logistics park will not become a port area because it cannot be retrograde. Instead of diversification, ports should focus on modern logistics services, not only to provide services, but also to organize the whole international logistics process activities. According to the development trend of advanced ports in the world and the theory of supply chain management in the forefront of logistics, ports should carry out the third party logistics business directly in order to promote the stability of logistics. This paper puts forward the strategy of "strategic alliance, district and port linkage, river and sea linkage, Hong Kong railway combined transport, waterless port extension, shipping service, trade platform, bonded port area", etc. These strategies are based on the point of view that the port should strengthen the function of supply chain integrated management. The competition among modern ports will change from the node competition of upgrading port function and terminal grade to constructing supply chain service system with port as hub. The scope of port service will be expanded to sea and land. Port services will be more refined, agile and flexible.


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