[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the industrialization process, the scale of the city expands rapidly, the urban population increases rapidly, and the urban traffic congestion becomes a difficult problem all over the world. Urban rail transit has become one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of urban traffic congestion because of its advantages such as fast, high efficiency, safety and comfort, energy saving and environmental protection, saving land and so on. With the development of urban rail transit in various cities, a large amount of capital has entered into urban rail transit related industries, which shows great attraction of investment. However, as a kind of public transportation, the rate of return on investment of urban rail transit is not high, which makes the participation of social funds in urban rail transit projects low. In the past, the research on the investment and financing of urban rail transit mainly focused on the ways and methods of financing, but the analysis of the investment value of urban rail transit industry was less. By analyzing the investment value of the whole urban rail transit industry, we can find a new way for the social funds to enter the urban rail transit industry. Based on the analysis of the investment value of urban rail transit, this paper analyzes the investment value of the whole urban rail transit industry by means of the combination of theory and data test. From the point of view of industry chain and value chain, this paper makes a general analysis on the investment value of urban rail transit vehicle industry. On this basis, through the analysis of the supply chain of urban rail transit industry, the investment value of its main sub-industries is analyzed. The NPV calculation and analysis of the traction system industry of urban rail transit are carried out to further demonstrate the investment value of the whole vehicle industry of urban rail transit.
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