[Abstract]:The Zhan Tianyou Prize for Railway Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as Zhan Tianyou Award) is an award that has been registered and approved by the State Science and Technology Awards Office and has a significant impact in the field of railway science and technology. To recognize and reward scientific and technological personnel who have made outstanding contributions to railway science and technology, to promote railway scientific and technological progress and the growth of outstanding talents, to encourage scientific and technological personnel to study hard, to innovate constantly, to climb the scientific peak courageously, and to contribute to the advancement of railway science and technology. Zhan Tianyou Award since its establishment in 1993, has launched the 11 th award activities, by the majority of scientific and technological workers welcome. According to the regulations of the Zhan Tianyou Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Zhan SEF) "measures for the Award for the Science and Technology Award of the Zhan Tianyou Railway," the Zhan Tianyou Award is selected every two years.
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