[Abstract]:The integration of the urban public transport price strategy is an effective means to improve the efficiency of the traffic resource allocation, and the balance between the public transport demand and the supply is regulated by the synergistic effect of the public transport price linkage strategy, which has become a hot issue in the research of the public transport operation practice and the public transport price theory. In the operation of the public transportation system, due to the unreasonable structure of the public transport price structure or the "failure" of the public transport resource market, the deviation of the public transport demand distribution and the public transport resource allocation is caused, and the utility of the public transport main body and the social welfare level of the public transport service are affected. This paper, based on the decision-making of bus price subject behavior, uses the public transport price linkage strategy to control the balance of public transport demand and supply. In view of the problems of the public transport price strategy and the public transit subject behavior, the time evolution law of the public transport price and the effect of the public transport price strategy in the urban public transport system of our country, this paper presents the structure relation and the public transport price conducting mechanism from the public transport price main body The paper analyzes the price game strategy and the strategy income of the competition and cooperation among the public transportation operators, and influences the bus demand structure by optimizing the relation between the price and the price of the different buses, and combining the public transport operation main body and the public transportation price strategy set, and determining the price linkage strategy and the independent strategy income function foundation. On the other hand, the evolution game model of the public transport price linkage strategy is established, and the evolution path and the evolution stability of the public transport price linkage strategy are revealed. In addition, the system dynamics method is used to simulate the time accumulation effect of the bus price linkage strategy on the public transport demand and the supply variable, and the improvement of the urban air environment by the public transport price linkage strategy is selected by using the system dynamics method and the time accumulation effect of the bus price linkage strategy on the public traffic price linkage strategy. On the basis of the theory of traffic behavior, this paper analyzes the mode selection behavior of the public transit, the competition and cooperative behavior among the operators, and the market control behavior of the public transport managers on the operation, service level and fare of the operators, and forms the layer between the bus main bodies. The secondary relationship shows that the public transport manager is located on the upper level to restrict the competition and cooperation of the public transport operators, and to take into account and guide the behavior of the public transit passengers; and the public transport operators and the public transport operators are mutually restricted and mutually restricted delivery classes. secondary relationship. This gives the public transport operator price policy set and the price policy benefit function In addition, the mechanism of public transport price transmission is further analyzed, and the mechanism of the public transport price linkage strategy is revealed, including the transmission path and transmission of public transport price. On the basis of the game relationship between the public transport operator and the leader-follower between the travelers, the two-layer planning theory is adopted to maximize the operation welfare of the public transport system, and the public transport manager takes the public transport price control as the constraint condition The model of layer planning; the maximum utility of the lower model is the goal, the service ability of the public transit enterprise, the service level control and the demand of the public transportation system are balanced as the constraint conditions, and the two-layer planning model is established to optimize the public transport system The system price structure, clear the influence of the public transit price linkage strategy on the public transport system social welfare and the behavior decision of the public transit, and the balanced distribution of the public transport demand In this paper, a heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the optimization model of the bus price linkage system by using a genetic algorithm and a simulated annealing algorithm, and the practicability of the model and the accuracy of the algorithm are verified by taking the line parallel to the three public transport modes of the general public transport, BRT and subway in Guangzhou as an example. And constructing a public transport price linkage strategy evolution game model based on the evolution game theory, the comprehensive public transit price linkage and the independent strategy set, and each strategy income model, and the two sides of the public transport operator group adopting the price linkage strategy and the price independent strategy are described. The speed and direction of the study are analyzed, and the game results of different public transport price strategy evolution are analyzed The existence of stable points is analyzed. Taking the general public transport and BRT operator groups in Guangzhou as an example, the evolutionary game model of public transport price linkage strategy is applied to analyze the evolution path of public transport price strategy under the initial scale and demand condition of different public transport operators. And the bus demand subsystem and the bus supply sub-system are established around the bus price linkage strategy based on the influence result of the bus price linkage system optimization on the supply and demand static balance of the bus system. The real-time positive and negative feedback loop is used to calibrate the model parameters and the accuracy of the check model, and the dynamic changes of the public transport demand and the public transit supply are simulated by the simulation of the bus price linkage strategy. The effect of the public transport price linkage strategy on the emission reduction of the main emission of the motor vehicle is obtained through the function relation between the bus supply, the required variable and the number of the small buses, and the urban traffic price linkage strategy is measured in the city The function of the improvement of the atmospheric environment is based on the analysis of the decision-making behavior of the public transportation by using the utility theory, the game theory and the research results of the system science, based on the analysis of the decision-making behavior of the public transport main body. The game model of the evolution game of the grid linkage strategy is described. The speed and direction of the mutual learning of the public transport operators in different price strategies are described. The system dynamics method is applied to simulate and evaluate the public transport price linkage strategy. The result of the above research not only can improve the theory of the optimization of public transport price strategy and the theory of evolutionary game theory, but also the urban public transport price strategy, the effective allocation of public transport resources and the development of the public transport.
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