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发布时间:2019-05-05 15:31
【摘要】:经济全球化和区域经济一体化进程的加快,推进了全球范围内的产业转移和生产资源的优化配置。中部地区社会经济及贸易的飞速发展,促进了中部地区内河港口产业的快速发展,促使中部地区的港口数量、规模都有了较大幅度的增长。港口在区域经济乃至国民经济中的地位日趋增强,在提升区域经济综合竞争力中的作用也越来越大。 岳阳港作为“长江八大良港”之一,湖南省唯一拥有长江深水岸线的港口。经济社会和长江航运对岳阳港提出新的更高的要求,但岳阳港的发展还受到诸多瓶颈的制约:岳阳港11个港区中一般港区的功能定位尚需要进一步明确,还存在港区码头泊位功能重复,专业化水平低等问题;目前铁路专用线以及疏港道路建设还无法满足港口货物运输的需求,水运与其他运输方式的无缝衔接也有待进一步提高;岳阳港对于沿江沿湖地区布局的大运输量企业中适宜利用水运的原材料和产成品运输吸引量较少,水运市场有待进一步开拓;在航道方面,湘、资、沅、澧均不具备江海轮直达的航运条件,岳阳港通江达海的优势未能充分发挥;此外,港口建设资金不足,与沿海省市的巨大差距,与沿长江省市比的相对滞后都制约了岳阳港综合竞争力的提升。为了使岳阳港能客观了解自身所处的地位、优势和不足,在以后的发展中扬长避短、挖掘优势,提升综合竞争力。本文采取对比研究的方式,详细分析了岳阳港及周边武汉港、荆州港、长沙港的竞争特点,提出适合内河港口竞争力评价的评价体系,并对岳阳港综合竞争力的提升提出对策和建议。 本文首先介绍了岳阳港的发展现状,分析了岳阳港存在的问题与瓶颈,以及发展面临的形势。然后解析了港口综合竞争力理论,得出影响岳阳港及周边港口竞争力的因素,根据因素从自然条件、经济环境、港口基础建设、集疏运系统、港口政策环境及港口能力六个方面建立其能反映竞争特点的评价指标体系,力求囊括港口竞争力方方面面的内容。在权重的确定方面,本文利用专家赋权与层次分析相结合的方法对评价指标进行权重的赋值;在评价模型建立方面,本文采用模糊综合评价的方法对岳阳港及周边港口竞争力进行评价。最后,本文根据评价结论进行对比分析并结合岳阳港的竞争特点给出提高岳阳港综合竞争力的对策建议。
[Abstract]:The acceleration of economic globalization and regional economic integration has promoted the global industrial transfer and optimal allocation of production resources. The rapid development of the social economy and trade in the central region has promoted the rapid development of the inland port industry in the central region and promoted the number and scale of ports in the central region to increase greatly. The position of port in the regional economy and even the national economy is increasing day by day, and the role of port in promoting the comprehensive competitiveness of regional economy is also more and more important. Yueyang Port, as one of the eight great ports of the Yangtze River, is the only port in Hunan Province with the deep shore of the Yangtze River. Economic society and Yangtze River shipping put forward new and higher requirements for Yueyang Port, but the development of Yueyang Port is still restricted by many bottlenecks: the functional positioning of general port areas in the 11 port areas of Yueyang Port needs to be further clarified. There are also problems such as repeated berth function and low level of specialization in port wharf. At present, the construction of special railway lines and open-port roads can not meet the needs of port cargo transport, and the seamless connection between waterway and other transport modes needs to be further improved. Yueyang Port for the distribution of large volume of enterprises along the river along the lake area suitable for the use of water transport of raw materials and finished products transport attraction is less water transport market needs to be further opened up; In the shipping channel, Hunan, capital, Yuan, Li do not have the direct shipping conditions of the river and sea vessels, Yueyang Port has not fully played its advantages of reaching the sea through the river; In addition, the lack of funds for port construction, the huge gap with the coastal provinces and cities, and the relative lag between the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River have restricted the promotion of the comprehensive competitiveness of Yueyang Port. In order to make Yueyang Port understand its position, advantages and disadvantages objectively, develop its strengths and avoid disadvantages in the future, excavate its advantages and promote its comprehensive competitiveness. In this paper, the competitive characteristics of Yueyang Port and its surrounding Wuhan Port, Jingzhou Port and Changsha Port are analyzed in detail, and the evaluation system suitable for the evaluation of the competitiveness of inland river ports is put forward. And put forward countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of Yueyang Port. This paper first introduces the development of Yueyang Port, analyzes the existing problems and bottlenecks of Yueyang Port, as well as the situation facing the development of Yueyang Port. Then the theory of port comprehensive competitiveness is analyzed, and the factors that affect the competitiveness of Yueyang port and its surrounding ports are obtained. According to the factors, from the natural conditions, economic environment, port infrastructure construction, collection and distribution system, Six aspects of port policy environment and port capacity set up an evaluation index system which can reflect the characteristics of competition in order to include all aspects of port competitiveness. In the aspect of determining the weight, this paper uses the combination of expert weight and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to assign the weight to the evaluation index. In the aspect of establishing evaluation model, this paper uses fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the competitiveness of Yueyang port and its surrounding ports. Finally, based on the comparative analysis of the evaluation conclusions and combined with the competitive characteristics of Yueyang Port, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of Yueyang Port.


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