[Abstract]:Based on the classification of railway engineering, railway engineering project, railway construction project, capital construction project and national railway in the development of railway construction, this paper expounds the importance of the construction of new railway project from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan. This paper puts forward the important role of material purchase management in the whole project management of the newly built Zhangjiakou-Tangshan railway project. Based on the basic theory of procurement management of engineering projects and the methods of focusing on the six aspects of project procurement management, this paper puts forward various systems for perfecting the procurement management of railway projects from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan. This paper summarizes the key contents in the main process of procurement of materials for railway projects from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan, and the aspects that should be paid attention to in the management of procurement of materials for railway projects from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan. The key content of material procurement supplier management for railway project from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan is established, and the suggestion of applying information management software to improve the procurement of materials for railway project from Zhangjiakou to Tangshan is put forward. As a part of the project management of the newly built Zhangjiakou-Tangshan railway project, the research on the material procurement management of Zhangtang railway project has realized the economical and effective purchase of materials and equipment through the implementation of the material procurement management of the project. Control the cost and expenditure of the project; Provide high-quality equipment and materials for the project, guarantee the quality of the project, ensure that the procurement work well, reduce the project disputes; and through a careful, rigorous procurement plan, to ensure the need for the material of the whole project.
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