[Abstract]:With the deepening of global economic integration and trade globalization, the shipping industry is playing a more and more important role in international trade, and the competition in the international shipping market is becoming more and more fierce. Now the outbreak of the war in Libya has damaged a large number of oil fields, and the European debt crisis and the weak development of the US economy have had a great impact on the oil industry. All this makes the competition in the international tanker transportation market, which has not recovered from the financial crisis, become more intense. This paper studies and establishes the mathematical model of the shipping market, forecasts the future changes of the market, and puts forward that scientific management decisions play an important role in the development of shipping enterprises and the improvement of their core competitiveness. Economic cybernetics has achieved good theoretical and application results in many fields, but its application in shipping market is still very few. The so-called economic cybernetics is the application of the concept and method of control theory in economics. The method of economic system theory emphasizes the simultaneous observation of the changes of various factors in the economic system. It not only studies the behavior of the economic system, but also studies its structure, so it can better reveal the essence of the system. Based on the advanced prediction and decision theory, this paper makes a deep and systematic study on the international tanker transportation market, in order to play a positive role in promoting the scientific decision of enterprises. Firstly, the paper analyzes the international tanker transportation market, and puts forward the factors that affect the demand, supply and freight rate. Then the economic cybernetics model is used to simulate and predict the international oil tanker transportation market, and it is found that the market situation in the short term is not optimistic, but through the analysis of market stability and controllability, Through the adjustment of the international tanker transportation price, the feedback control of the model can be realized, so as to achieve the expected ideal operation effect. According to the concept of controlling freight rate and capacity, this paper puts forward the measures that shipping enterprises can take to improve their competitiveness, and finally summarizes them, and puts forward the shortcomings of the article and the direction of improvement and perfection.
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