[Abstract]:Cruise tourism as a high-grade business and leisure tourism products. With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the rapid improvement of people's living standards, people's tourism awareness and the demand for high-end tourism products such as cruise ships are increasing day by day. Cruise tourism was born in North America in the 1960 s. Modern cruise has gradually developed into a huge and mature industry. At present, China is mainly in the initial stage of international cruise arrival service. The present situation of the development of cruise ships in China is as follows: (1) the potential of China's cruise market is great; (2) the rapid development of Chinese cruise ports; (3) the rapid entry of foreign ships into China to seize the first opportunity for cruise ship development. In view of the present situation of cruise ship development in our country, there are few researches on cruise route planning at home and abroad. Therefore, this paper chooses to study cruise route planning as the research direction, in order to fill the gap of domestic scholars in this research field, and also hopes that this article can produce certain reference value for the actual operation of cruise ship. This paper mainly summarizes the present situation of cruise industry, mainly introduces the general development of cruise industry, and summarizes the development of cruise port and the factors to be considered in the selection of port. Then the cruise route is summarized, from the definition, classification, attached form, operation mode and development trend of cruise route, and the planning theory of cruise route is studied. The route planning method is used to model the route planning in two steps. First, the knapsack problem is the selection problem of the port, then the sequence of the port is selected, that is, the traveling salesman problem, and the objective function and constraint conditions are established. Then the model is deeply analyzed by case test, and the model is run by LINGO11.0, and the results of cruise route optimization are obtained. In this paper, the space allocation calculated by the two schemes is compared, and it is obvious that the optimal calculation according to the average freight rate results in the waste of the enlarged space. Through this conclusion, we can see that this study is of great significance to route optimization. This study makes the port selection and sequence arrangement that need to be considered in the whole route design process. A series of problems, such as space allocation, are closer to the actual environment, and the results are more in line with the reality. For cruise companies, this series of optimization schemes make enterprises increase profits and reduce costs at the same time.
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