[Abstract]:The research of project evaluation refers to the scientific demonstration of the comprehensive technical and economic analysis of the proposed project before the investment decision, and provides the scientific basis for the investment decision. It plays an important role in the field of project management, and the evaluation results will have a direct impact on the investment decision of the project. This paper mainly analyzes and studies the feasibility of the project from the four aspects of necessity evaluation, condition evaluation, technical evaluation and benefit evaluation of Tianjin central fishing port warehousing and distribution center project, which provides a scientific basis for the project decision-making and provides ideas and references for the related project evaluation research. This paper first adopts the method of literature research, takes the definition, content, function, steps and basis of project evaluation as the theoretical basis, in which the logical framework of this paper is put forward through the study of the content of project evaluation, and then the empirical research is carried out, that is, according to the necessity evaluation, condition evaluation and technical evaluation of Tianjin central fishing port warehousing and distribution center project, The logical order of benefit evaluation is to carry out the project evaluation research of the project. Among them, the necessity evaluation of the project is mainly discussed from three aspects: the policy basis, the service function and the economic significance of the project; the condition evaluation of the project analyzes the geographical location of the project, the surrounding resource conditions, infrastructure matching, investment soft environment and other factors; the project technology mainly studies the construction content of the project and the technical standards on which it is based. The project benefit is from the project financial benefit and the national economic benefit two aspects carries on the comprehensive analysis. On the basis of the above four aspects of the evaluation, the conclusion of the project evaluation is drawn, and it is considered that the investment and construction of the project is more feasible, and the project has a good development prospect.
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