[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the demand of transportation is increasing, and the contradiction between supply and demand is becoming more and more prominent, which seriously hinders the development of regional economy. In order to adapt to the development of urban economy, priority should be given to the development of transportation industry, and has a certain degree of transcendence. In particular, the implementation of the western development strategy will bring unprecedented opportunities for the development of transportation industry in Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. The central government clearly pointed out that "to carry out the large-scale development of the western region, we must make greater determination to speed up infrastructure construction with more investment." In this context, the people's Government of Xilinhot City decided to build the second Ring Road of Xilinhot City. In order to make the project decision-making more scientific and reasonable, this paper analyzes the construction of the second Ring Road project based on the relevant theories of technical economics and comprehensive evaluation. First of all, combined with the actual situation of Xilinhot City, this paper analyzes the regional position, administrative division, geographical overview and natural resources of the project. Secondly, it analyzes the construction project from the point of view of engineering technology, mainly on the construction conditions, route direction, road design, bridge and culvert design, lighting design and greening design. Thirdly, the project cost is estimated by using the estimate index estimation method, and the investment composition is analyzed, so as to determine the project fund raising scheme. Then, the cost and benefit of the project is identified and calculated by using the benefit cost analysis method, and the national economy is analyzed by selecting the economic net present value, the internal rate of return and so on. Finally, based on the evaluation theory, the secondary evaluation index system is established, the two-level fuzzy evaluation model is constructed, and the comprehensive evaluation of the project is carried out. This paper provides scientific basis and theoretical support for the construction decision of the second Ring Road Project in Xilinhot City.
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