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发布时间:2017-12-31 04:13

  本文关键词:寿光市粮油储备中心建设项目财务评价研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 项目 财务评价 风险防范

[Abstract]:Reasonable and scientific financial evaluation can help investors to analyze whether the investment project can be profitable, and on this basis, to measure, evaluate and avoid the financial risks brought by project investment, how to evaluate the project is more scientific. More reasonable, how to carry out the project financial evaluation and financial risk avoidance work, is the vast number of project investors face an important and extremely practical significance of the problem. From the perspective of the relevant stakeholders. Scientific and reasonable financial evaluation is of great significance to the project investment related interest groups. The creditor of the project, the debtor of the project, the beneficiary of the project and the manager of the project, etc. In the process of investment decision, we can evaluate whether the project is feasible, benefit and risk from the perspective of finance. It can give investors and other relevant interest groups quantifiable. The visual way, has a clear understanding to the project investment, plays the auxiliary decision function. The project investment success or not, depends on the project early stage financial appraisal and the project investment income. The risk of investment with the project, is co-exist, before the project investment, the project to be invested, a reasonable and scientific evaluation. The conclusion of financial evaluation of project investment is an important basis for project decision-making. The vast number of project investors need scientific financial evaluation theory. The guidance of the financial evaluation method system. This article carries on the empirical research from the financial angle. The financial investment value of the construction project of grain and oil reserve center in Shouguang city is evaluated. This paper analyzes the example of the construction project of grain and oil reserve center in Shouguang city. While providing theoretical guidance for this project, it also provides reference paradigm for similar projects. The first part mainly includes the preface, including the research background and significance, research content and methods. Domestic and foreign research status and development trends, technical routes and innovations and deficiencies. The second part is the project financial evaluation theory overview, including the meaning of project financial evaluation, project financial evaluation procedures. The third part is the analysis of project investment and financing, including project profile, investment estimation, financing scheme and so on. Part 4th is the process of project financial analysis, including project financial data. Static financial evaluation index calculation and analysis, dynamic financial evaluation index calculation and analysis, 5th part of the project fund balance ability analysis. 6th part is the conclusion part. The result of this paper shows that the internal financial return rate of the project is 27.71%, which is larger than the benchmark rate of return, and the net present value of the finance is 36.2 million yuan, which is more than zero, and the payback period of the investment meets the requirements. Through the uncertainty analysis, the project has a certain ability to resist risk. Therefore, the project is financially acceptable and economically feasible. It is necessary to pay attention to the timely expansion of investment. To avoid the financial risk caused by the project, to improve the regional radiation capacity and to ensure the supply of grain and oil play a more positive role.


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