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发布时间:2018-02-02 02:58

  本文关键词: 财务风险 财务风险传导 汽车制造商 供应链 能量分析模型 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization, enterprises have more and more cooperation opportunities and close ties. In order to better deal with the market competition, many enterprises are combined together. Become a complex "super enterprise"-supply chain. Manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of the whole national economy system, and the automobile manufacturer occupies the position of heavy weight in the manufacturing industry, especially the whole car manufacturer. It is a powerful engine to promote the economic development of a country. The healthy development of automobile manufacturing enterprises is related to the orderly operation of the whole national economy. The internal and external environment of automobile manufacturers is becoming more and more complicated, and the uncertain interference factors are increasing. Therefore, enterprises are faced with many new risks while they have the advantages of products, technology and management. But the original risk also formed the new characteristic. Basically all the risk to the enterprise influence will finally all manifests in the financial aspect. Therefore, the financial risk is the fundamental crisis which threatens the enterprise to run continuously. In addition. In the supply chain environment, the problem of risk transmission caused by the linkage of nodes also makes the financial risk of enterprises have new characteristics. This paper takes the supply chain as the perspective. After a comprehensive analysis of the financial risk sources of automobile manufacturers, a risk assessment model-financial risk energy analysis model, which reflects the characteristics of financial risk conduction among enterprises, is constructed, and the financial risk flow index system is established based on the model. Finally, the comprehensive level of financial risk of automobile manufacturers can be measured by calculating the value of financial risk loss. The research on financial risk assessment of automobile manufacturers from the perspective of supply chain can not only supplement the content of traditional financial risk assessment of enterprises. And methods. Also has important theoretical value and practical significance to the automobile manufacturing industry financial risk management. Firstly, the paper defines the financial risk on the basis of combing and summing up the domestic and foreign research results on the financial risk of enterprises and supply chain. The connotation and characteristics of the concept of supply chain financial risk are summarized, and the related theories of enterprise financial risk transmission are summarized. Secondly, based on the energy release theory to analyze the causes of financial risk of automobile manufacturers, and compare the financial risk assessment method to get the superiority of energy analysis model to evaluate financial risk. The energy analysis model is improved and the energy analysis model of financial risk is constructed. Thirdly, within the framework of energy analysis model, we construct the financial risk flow index system of automobile manufacturers, and use rough set method to simplify and weight the indicators. Finally. Through the application of energy analysis model in practical cases, the conclusion of the study and prospects for the future. This paper comprehensive use of a variety of research methods, theory combined with practice, qualitative and quantitative combination, in order to achieve objective. The accurate conclusion of financial risk assessment provides theoretical basis for automaker to manage financial risk.


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