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发布时间:2018-02-13 21:27

  本文关键词: 风险 管理 中小私营企业 内部会计控制 出处:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of China's reform and opening up, the economy has developed at an unprecedented speed, and the small and medium-sized private enterprises in our country have been developing with the tide of economic development. However, the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country still have some criticisms, such as simple organizational structure, unclear responsibility of the functional departments, lack of rules and regulations, lack of budget or budget flexibility; Not paying attention to the construction of enterprise culture; appointees of managers with cronyism and lack of professional talents; lack of systematic management and extensive management; especially imperfect accounting system; high water content and serious distortion of accounting information; Accounting can not play a controlling role. At the same time, because of the process of reform and development, SMEs are facing more and more risks. How to survive and develop has become an important issue. In recent years, Sichuan furniture industry has benefited from the strong support of the government. Furniture enterprises are full of nebulae. All of these enterprises are small and medium-sized private enterprises. They also stay completely in the backward management system of "one power alone" and "one big decision" in the early stage of starting a business. Enterprises want to seize the opportunity. In the constant expansion of enterprises will become stronger and bigger at the same time, avoid business risks, adapt to market changes, we must strengthen the internal management of enterprises in the first place. Good internal management is inseparable from a sound internal accounting control system. Internal accounting control plays a very important role in the operation and management of small and medium-sized private enterprises. It is the basis of optimizing enterprise management and the protection against risks. This paper adopts the method of combining theoretical research with case analysis. Firstly, the basic theory and development of internal accounting control are expounded. The concept of internal accounting control, objectives, French side, composition and other aspects of the theoretical basis for practical analysis. Secondly, take a theoretical to practical approach, select a small private enterprise as the object of this study. This paper makes a more in-depth discussion and concrete analysis on the related problems of internal accounting control. It not only analyzes the problems of internal accounting control of enterprises from the basic five aspects, but also analyzes the problems of internal accounting control in enterprises. This paper also analyzes the internal accounting control problems of enterprises in the aspects of daily production and operation from the perspective of the circulation of several important economic businesses, and analyzes the causes of these problems. At the same time, it puts forward the corresponding solutions and problems needing attention. I hope this article can provide a certain reference for the establishment and improvement of the internal accounting control of small and medium-sized private enterprises in our country. The author also hopes to provide practical help for XP to establish and improve the internal accounting control system.


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