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发布时间:2018-02-27 11:27

  本文关键词: 物流上市公司 企业社会责任 利益相关者理论 财务绩效 出处:《天津理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:为规范企业和组织管理,从ISO9000,ISO14000,再到ISO26000,标志着组织管理范式从质量管理为中心到环境管理为中心,,转变到以社会责任管理为中心的全面责任管理阶段,组织管理开始进入到社会责任管理的新时代。物流业作为国民基础和先导性产业,从物流业调整和振兴规划到物流国九条,现代物流业随着国家大力支持而发展迅速,但是在社会责任的履行方面还比较落后。但是,企业毕竟是经济实体,其所做的各种经营决策均离不开利益两个字,如果社会责任的投入成本可以换来超额的经济利益,企业自然会主动承担社会责任。因此,有必要研究物流企业社会责任与财务绩效的相关关系,以引导物流企业履行社会责任。 首先,对社会责任理论展开系统研究,结合我国物流企业特点,提出基于利益相关者理论的物流企业社会责任内涵。再对企业财务绩效进行研究,在一般企业社会责任与财务绩效相关关系研究的基础之上,分析物流企业社会责任与财务绩效的相关关系。 其次,根据理论分析,对物流企业社会责任与财务绩效的相关关系提出四个假设,假设1物流业上市公司社会责任与财务绩效呈正相关;假设2物流业上市公司上一期社会责任与当期财务绩效呈正相关;假设3物流业上市公司对政府、股东、员工和消费者的社会责任与财务绩效呈正相关;假设4物流业上市公司对债权人和供应商的社会责任与财务绩效呈负相关。然后构建四个面板数据模型,选取2002-2011年,沪深两市上市的符合条件的26家物流上市公司为样本,以其财务报告数据为依据,选定净资产收益率作为代理变量,运用eviews、spss等统计分析工具,根据利益相关者理论和企业公民理论从不同维度和时间跨度分析物流业上市公司社会责任与财务绩效的关系。 最后,描述性统计分析和面板数据分析结果显示,假设1得到证实即物流业上市公司社会责任与财务绩效呈正相关关系,假设2得到证实即物流业上市公司上一期社会责任与当期财务绩效呈正相关,假设3得到证实即物流上市公司对股东、消费者、政府社会责任与财务绩效正相关,假设4得到部分证实,物流业上市公司对员工和债权人的社会责任与财务绩效呈显著负相关,对供应商的社会责任与企业财务绩效负相关,但这种相关关系并不显著。在此基础上,立足于政府、企业本身和不同的利益相关者三个方面提出相关改进建议。
[Abstract]:In order to standardize enterprise and organization management, from ISO9000ISO 14000 to ISO26000, it marks the shift of organization management paradigm from quality management to environmental management, to the stage of overall responsibility management with social responsibility management as the center. Organization management has entered a new era of social responsibility management. As a national foundation and leading industry, logistics industry has developed rapidly with the support of the state, from the adjustment and revitalization of logistics industry to the nine logistics countries. But the performance of social responsibility is still relatively backward. However, the enterprise is after all an economic entity, and all kinds of business decisions it makes cannot be separated from the word "interest". If the input cost of social responsibility can be exchanged for excess economic benefits, Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between logistics corporate social responsibility and financial performance in order to guide logistics enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility. First of all, the theory of social responsibility is systematically studied, combined with the characteristics of logistics enterprises in China, the connotation of social responsibility of logistics enterprises based on stakeholder theory is put forward, and then the financial performance of enterprises is studied. Based on the research on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance, this paper analyzes the correlation between social responsibility and financial performance of logistics enterprises. Secondly, according to the theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward four hypotheses on the relationship between the social responsibility and financial performance of logistics enterprises, assuming that 1 the social responsibility of listed companies in logistics industry is positively correlated with financial performance; Assume that the social responsibility of the listed company in the logistics industry is positively correlated with the current financial performance, and that the social responsibility of the listed company in the logistics industry to the government, shareholders, employees and consumers is positively correlated with the financial performance. Assuming that the social responsibility of logistics companies to creditors and suppliers is negatively correlated with financial performance, four panel data models are constructed, and 26 listed logistics companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2002 to 2011 are selected as samples. On the basis of the financial report data, the net assets return rate is selected as the proxy variable, and the statistical analysis tools such as eviewsspss are used. According to stakeholder theory and corporate citizenship theory, the relationship between social responsibility and financial performance of listed companies in logistics industry is analyzed from different dimensions and time span. Finally, the results of descriptive statistical analysis and panel data analysis show that there is a positive correlation between social responsibility and financial performance of listed companies in logistics industry. Hypothesis 2 proves that the social responsibility of the listed company in the logistics industry is positively correlated with the current financial performance, and that the social responsibility of the logistics listed company to the shareholders, consumers and government is positively correlated with the financial performance. Hypothesis 4 is partially proved that the social responsibility of the listed company to employees and creditors is negatively correlated with the financial performance, and the social responsibility of the supplier is negatively related to the financial performance of the enterprise. On this basis, based on the government, the enterprise itself and different stakeholders put forward the relevant improvement suggestions.


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