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发布时间:2018-02-27 14:10

  本文关键词: 六西格玛 DMAIC 成本降低 晶圆 背面研磨 晶圆破片 出处:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:六西格玛质量管理是用于改善产品品质、成本降低与消除变异的一种质量控制方法。它是应用于改进生产制程与产品良品率(降低缺陷)、提高并增强公司竞争能力、增加公司利润、增加市场份额以及客户满意度的一种被证实的,强大的质量管理工具。市场竞争的核心是产品品质、价格与服务,如何赢得市场竞争取决于企业质量管理水平。因此学习六西格玛质量管理方法并应用于产品质量改进与成本降低至关重要。 DF公司是业界领先的微控制器、微处理器和半导体器件制造商,但在市场竞争中依然面临竞争压力,需要通过改善产品品质与降低成本来保持盈利水平。DF公司每年都要通过实施六西格玛项目来实现运营成本的降低;否则居高不下的产品价格会使顾客转向其它品牌的产品,从而失去客户,导致市场份额减少。所以在公司内,开展六西格玛项目实现成本降低是必然趋势,且是实现公司运营成本降低的重要一环,也是公司营运的战略目标之一。晶圆背面研磨部门是DF半导体公司内部的一个前道部门,其工艺流程是晶圆薄化。即将晶圆从来料的初始780um厚度,经背面研磨,薄化到280um或更薄。较高的晶圆研磨破片率与纯水滤芯成本是显著影响DF公司单位成本的重要因素之一,急需解决。本篇论文就是论述了如何应用六西格玛质量管理DMAIC模式对上述问题进行改进并最终实现显著经济效益。本论文中完成的主要工作如下: 1.确定要解决的问题:成立项目攻关团队;利用柏拉图分析晶圆部门主要缺陷分布;并根据顾客的声音,设定项目目标:晶圆破片率从0.067%降到0.033%;纯水滤芯年度成本降低50%。预期项目收益为公司实现年度成本节省200万人民币。 2.对测量系统进行有效性验证确保测量的数据准确;使用鱼骨图从人、机器、物料、方法、环境五个方面分析晶圆研磨部门造成破片的所有可能因子,并制定数据收集方法。 3.利用失效模式影响分析(FMEA)法从所有可能因子找出导致晶圆破片的主要影响因子:晶圆来料抽检方式和研磨机定位机构定位轮对晶圆边缘的撞击为关键因子,并利用假设分析法研究其主因,并制定改进方法以验证成因假设是否成立。同时制定纯水滤芯的替换计划。 4.实施改进计划,并对收集的数据运用统计学方法对改进实施前后晶圆破片率进行统计分析,确认改进行动是否有效。运用统计方法对新的纯水滤芯过滤能力与原滤芯进行对比,确定二者在纯水过滤能力方面无差异。 5.对验证有效地管理方法实施文件化,修改标准操作流程(SOP),并完成操作规范移交给生产部门以及对一线员工的培训,巩固项目所取得的成果。 最终,经过历经8个月的项目开展,实现并超过了本项目的既定目标:(1)晶圆破片率从0.067%下降到0.023%,年度成本降低250.5万人民币;(2)成功使用F公司滤芯替代P公司滤芯,年度成本从43.7万降到10.3万。项目成功使得公司每年可以节约人民币284万元,实现并超过项目预期目标。本项目获得公司总部颁发的"Manufacturing Excellent Award"与公司领导层的肯定与奖励。本论文是六西格知识应用的探索,架起了六西格玛质量管理方法与生产实际质量与成本改善应用的桥梁,为他人将六西格知识应用于实际工作中提供了参考。
[Abstract]:Six Sigma quality management is a kind of quality control method for improving product quality , cost reduction and elimination variation . It is a kind of proven and powerful quality management tool which is applied to improve the product quality , increase the company profit , increase market share and customer satisfaction . The core of market competition is product quality , price and service , how to win the market competition depends on the enterprise quality management level . Therefore , it is very important to study the Six Sigma quality management method and apply to product quality improvement and cost reduction . DF company is the industry ' s leading microcontroller , microprocessor and semiconductor device manufacturer , but still facing competitive pressure in the market competition , it needs to improve the product quality and reduce the cost to keep the profit level . 1 . Determine the problem to be solved : establish the project tackling team ; analyze the main defect distribution of the wafer department by Plato ; and set the project target according to the customer ' s voice : the wafer breaking rate is reduced from 0.067 % to 0.033 % ; the annual cost of the pure water filter element is reduced by 50 % . The expected project income is RMB 2 million for the company to realize the annual cost . 2 . To verify the validity of the measurement system to ensure that the measured data is accurate ; analyze all possible factors of the wafer grinding department from five aspects of human , machine , material , method and environment from five aspects of human , machine , material , method and environment , and formulate data collection method . 3 . Based on the failure mode influence analysis ( FMEA ) method , the main influencing factors leading to wafer breaking are found out from all possible factors : wafer incoming inspection mode and the impact of the positioning wheel on the wafer edge as a key factor , and the main reason is studied by using the hypothesis analysis method , and an improved method is developed to verify whether the genesis hypothesis is established . Meanwhile , an alternative plan of the pure water filter element is developed . 4 . Implement the improvement plan and statistically analyze the data collected by statistical method to confirm whether the improvement action is effective . By using the statistical method , the filter capacity of the new pure water filter element is compared with that of the original filter element , and the difference of the two in the filtration capacity of pure water is determined . 5 . Document the validation effective management method , modify the standard operation flow ( SOP ) , and transfer the operation specification to the production department as well as the training of the first - line staff and consolidate the results achieved by the project . In the end , after eight months of project development , the objectives of this project are achieved and exceeded : ( 1 ) The wafer fragment rate is reduced from 0.067 % to 0.023 % , annual cost is reduced by 255,000 RMB ; ( 2 ) The Company can save RMB 284 million annually and achieve and exceed the expected target of the project . This project is a bridge for the application of Six Sigma quality management method and the actual quality and cost of production . This project provides reference for the application of the six sigma knowledge to the actual work .



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