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发布时间:2018-03-11 03:03

  本文选题:汽车召回 切入点:召回策略 出处:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:丰田召回事件使得丰田公司在2012年召回车辆总数高达500万辆,并为此支付了史上最昂贵的11亿美元召回费用。但风波并未平息,大众、本田等公司先后也陆续宣布在各个国家召回其大量的缺陷汽车。从2013年11月25日,大众中国启动国内最大规模的汽车召回行动,640309辆搭载7速双离合变速器的车辆因电路故障召回,207778辆进口途威和国产途观因车灯故障召回。这是继3月份召回38万辆问题汽车后,大众再次实施DSG车型的大规模召回。在当今这个产品研发周期日益缩短,更新换代更为频繁的时代,产品质量的问题更为凸显,汽车召回成为一个常态性问题。在各国消费者以及各国法律的压力下,更多汽车制造型企业采取对其缺陷产品的召回行动,并为汽车召回的真个过程支付了高昂的召回费用。 本文在总结了国内外学者对汽车召回研究以及对时间成本研究的基础上,通过大量走访汽车企业、汽车维修站以及汽车运输企业,对现实问题进行了详细的调查了解,最终通过数学建模的方式,在考虑召回过程中的时间成本的前提下,针对召回过程中产生的巨额成本进行分析,建立了不同召回策略的召回成本模型。通过对汽车缺陷产品数量、自建修理厂的投资系数,对第三方管理的管理成本系数、外包修理厂商的维修成本系数,单位车辆维修基本费用等变量对召回成本影响的研究,对比了不同召回策略产生的召回成本,进行了最优召回策略的决策分析。最后,通过调查所得的一些参数数据,对模型进行了检验性运算。 结果显示,缺陷汽车数量较大,大于模型测算出的阈值时,通过建立维修中心以及维修外包,可以降低召回成本;当建立维修中心的初始投资成本较高、外包管理费用较高,大于模型测算出的阈值时,采用分销渠道召回、返厂维修的方式,产生的召回成本更低;外包维修成本系数较高,,高于模型测算出的阈值时,应避免采用外包维修的方式进行汽车召回。
[Abstract]:The recall brought the total number of vehicles recalled by Toyota to 5 million in 2012, paying the most expensive $1.1 billion recall in history. Honda and other companies have also announced recalls of a large number of defective cars in various countries. Since November 25th 2013, Volkswagen China has launched the largest recall in China. 640309 vehicles carrying a 7-speed double clutch transmission have been recalled for circuit problems. The recall of 207,778 imported Tuwei and domestic Touguan due to lamp failure followed a recall of 380,000 defective vehicles on March. VW is once again carrying out large-scale recalls of DSG models. In this era of shorter product development cycles and more frequent upgrades, product quality problems have become even more acute. Automobile recall has become a normal problem. Under the pressure of consumers and laws of different countries, more automakers have taken recall action on their defective products and paid high recall fees for the whole process of automobile recall. On the basis of summing up the domestic and foreign scholars' research on automobile recall and time cost, this paper makes a detailed investigation and understanding of the practical problems through a large number of visits to automobile enterprises, car repair stations and automobile transportation enterprises. Finally, by mathematical modeling, considering the time cost in the recall process, the huge cost generated in the recall process is analyzed. The recall cost model of different recall strategies is established. Through the number of defective automobile products, the investment coefficient of self-built repair factory, the management cost coefficient of the third party management, the maintenance cost coefficient of the outsourced repair manufacturer, the recall cost model of different recall strategy is established. This paper studies the effect of basic cost of unit vehicle maintenance and other variables on recall cost, compares the recall cost generated by different recall strategies, and makes a decision analysis of the optimal recall strategy. Finally, some parameter data are obtained through the investigation. The model is tested. The results show that when the number of defective vehicles is larger than the threshold calculated by the model, the cost of recall can be reduced by establishing maintenance center and outsourcing, and when the initial investment cost of establishing maintenance center is high, the cost of outsourcing management is higher. When the threshold is larger than the threshold calculated by the model, the cost of recall is lower when the distribution channel is recalled, and the cost of outsourced maintenance is higher than the threshold calculated by the model, and the cost of outsourcing is higher than the threshold calculated by the model. Car recalls should be avoided by outsourcing maintenance.


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